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DescriptionLC_Horatiox303BombFreighter DescriptionDefiant DescriptionFedStarbaseInert Matter 5Reman Scimitar DescriptionLC_ExcaliburtpLC_ExetertpShuttlenorwayPlanet Fragment 7LC_Excaliburtp DescriptionMarauderUnknown Debris 9LC_YamaguchitpP81Phoenix Description DescriptionDomBattleshipRomulanOutpostAquaticKlingonImperialStarbaseDecoyCommLightDYSphereProbe DescriptionType11 DescriptionmissouriCardOutpost DescriptionNova DescriptionNX01LCRaptor DescriptionDanubemkII DescriptionchurchillEnterpriseNCC1701Raider1 DescriptionEscapePod DescriptionAkira DescriptionLC_Excalibur DescriptionUnknown Debris 6Starbase220 DescriptionMvamPrometheusDorsal DescriptionFeklhrMK2 DescriptionFedBBgriffinDanube DescriptionsovereignyachtscimitarJHEnterpriseNCC1701 DescriptionPlanet Fragment 1Unknown Debris 11LC_Gandhi DescriptionE2M0WarbirdPegasusC2excelsiorIIEximius DescriptionTamarian DescriptionLC_ExcaliburAkiraEscapePodKTinga DescriptionMiradorn DescriptionAegian DescriptionPhase2shuttleCardHybridMvamGalaxyStardrive DescriptionLC_Horatiotp DescriptionUnknown Debris 4VentureScout DescriptionVentureScoutPeragrineF1LC_Exetertp DescriptionMPneghvarShuttle Descriptionnorway DescriptionLC_Adelphi DescriptionNebula DescriptionDanubeBorgCubeFirehawk DescriptionSpaceFacility DescriptionCloakFireBirdOfPrey DescriptionMerchantman DescriptionSurrokDecoy DescriptionKlingonImperialStarbase DescriptionAquatic DescriptionCommLight DescriptionInert Matter 4P81Nebula DescriptionNebulaX DescriptionPhase2shuttle DescriptionDanubemkIILCRaptorMvamGalaxyStardriveLC_HoratiotpMvamPrometheusSaucer DescriptionMvamGalaxySaucer DescriptionUnknown Debris 7PeregrineFedOutpostD-7LCCentaur DescriptionSaberHutet DescriptionMPneghvar DescriptionTransportReman ScimitarLC_GandhitpLBdefiantmissouri DescriptionAkira2 DescriptionKessokLightBorgDiamondbuggriffin DescriptionFedBB DescriptionDryDockRepair DescriptionFalcon DescriptionsphereC2excelsiorII DescriptionexeterPegasus DescriptionKimalSpaceFacilityCloakFireBirdOfPreyFirehawkLowCubeGalaxyStardriveGalaxyIIEnterpriseB DescriptionUnknown Debris 2LC_Yamaguchitp DescriptionInert Matter 8LC_ExeternovaIIKessokHeavydeltaflyerds9ExcaliburLC_Yamaguchi DescriptionKeldonds9 DescriptionKeldon DescriptionExcalibur DescriptionromulanshuttleBreenBBSunbusterGalaxySaucerVorcha DescriptionHiddenCoreBirdOfPrey DescriptionCA8472 DescriptionHideki DescriptionTalgoran DescriptionScimitarLC_Valdemar DescriptionDryDockUSSLennoxKazonraiderAmbassadorMarauder DescriptionAmbassadortp DescriptionSonaB DescriptionMirandaSmugglerDyExcalibur DescriptionEnterpriseBSteamrunnerPlanet Fragment 2KlingonShuttle DescriptionAlitaRunaboutCardStarbaseSteamrunner DescriptionUnknown Debris 8Inert Matter 7Inert Matter 2MvamGalaxyMvamPrometheusPlanet Fragment 6Type11FedStarbase DescriptionLC_ValdemarMvamPrometheusVentral DescriptionfeklhrBombFreightersphere DescriptionDefiantsovereignyachtwarp DescriptionMineSonaBTransport DescriptionAmbassadortpDyExcaliburLC_YamaguchiscimitarJH Descriptionsovereignyacht DescriptionD7variant DescriptionDanubeRunabout DescriptionBorgCube DescriptionLC_Exeter DescriptionnovaII DescriptionDomBBGalaxySaucer DescriptionHiddenCore DescriptionStarbase220MvamPrometheusDorsalMvamPrometheusVentralDrenet DescriptionKvort DescriptionAegianInert Matter 1Olympic DescriptionKimal DescriptionInert Matter 3exeter DescriptionPrometheusLC_ZhukovbinterceptorLC_Zhukovtp DescriptionDomBB DescriptionAlita DescriptionCardOutpostRunabout DescriptionNovaCardStarbase DescriptionWorkerBeeCardFreighter DescriptionKazonraider DescriptionAmbassador DescriptionMiranda DescriptionTamarianromulanshuttle DescriptionDryDockRepairUnknown Debris 3Sovereign DescriptionJunkShrikeEximiusNX01 DescriptionSabreSaber DescriptionsovereignyachtwarpGeronimoKaremmanGeronimo DescriptionKaremman DescriptionStellar DebrisLC_Horatio Descriptionx303 DescriptionUnknown Debris 1KTingaMiradornLC_Gandhitp DescriptionKlingonShuttleAmagon DescriptionOlympicKvortPeragrineF1 DescriptionP81NebulaNebulaXSabre Descriptiontype9 DescriptionEnterprise Descriptionvenator DescriptionAsteroid DescriptionFTBNeghvarExcelsiorP81DYSphere DescriptionC2Valdore DescriptionFreighter DescriptionBiranuStationLC_ZhukovtpP81CheyenneLBdefiant DescriptionSovereignP81Cheyenne DescriptionFedOutpost DescriptionD-7 DescriptionPeregrine DescriptionDanubemkI DescriptionIntrepid DescriptionDryDock DescriptionScimitar DescriptionUSSLennox DescriptionP81Phoenixbug DescriptionUnknownLC_ValdemartpUnknown Debris 12CardStationGalaxyD7variantDanubeRunaboutSmuggler DescriptionUnknown Debris 10MotherKessokMine DescriptionRanKuf DescriptionUnknown Objecttype9EnterprisevenatorWorkerBee DescriptionC2ValdoreFreighterTimeship DescriptionGalaxyII DescriptionLowCube DescriptionGalaxyStardrive DescriptionRanKufKessokMineNX01EnterpriseCardHybrid DescriptionValkyrieCentaur DescriptionLC_GandhiLC_AdelphitpAmagonPrometheus DescriptionLC_Zhukov DescriptionDrenetdeltaflyer DescriptionKessokHeavy DescriptionDomBC DescriptionPlanet Fragment 3BreenWarbirdMerchantmanfeklhr DescriptionProbeDomBattleship DescriptionRomulanOutpost DescriptionDanubemkIIntrepidSurrok DescriptionRaider1FTBNeghvar DescriptionPlanet Fragment 8ExcelsiorP81 Descriptionchurchill DescriptionPlanet Fragment 5MvamPrometheusSaucerMvamGalaxySaucerKessokLight DescriptionBorgDiamond DescriptionMatanKeldonMA85_CBattleship DescriptionBajoranAssaultVesselPlanet Fragment 4LCCentaurHidekiTalgoranBirdOfPreyCA8472Valkyrie DescriptionNX01Enterprise DescriptionPraetorBreen DescriptionCardFreighterWarbird DescriptionHutetCommArrayConstellationMine DescriptionNo TargetGalor Description Description: Junkships are comprised of several other ships which are salvaged from wreckages or graveyards. They possess minimal systems and are mainly used to scavenge other wreckages for useful components. Many junkships are considered as pirate vessles due to the illegal activities they perform in certain sectors. Weapons: Unknown Shield Rating: Unknown Hull Rating: Unknown Tactics: When attacking enemy ships do so with support from other vessels. Attacking junkships is moderatly easy and should involve direct assaults.Description: During the alliance between the Romulans and Federation, the Romulans installed a cloaking device on the USS Defiant. During this time, they stole the design and tactical information. Years later, the Shrike appeared using similar technology and design as the Defiant Class ship. However, the Romulans couldn't make the Shrike as powerful or agile as the Defiant. Weapons: x6 Disruptor Cannons x3 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 120 Light Plasma) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 9000 A: 7000 T: 7000 B: 7000 L: 7000 R: 7000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 18000 Tactics: Use the ships agility to avoid pulse weapons and torpedoes, while keeping the enemy ships in range of your weapons, when up against the shrike, use mainly phasers, but also use pulse and torpedoes if you have a good chance of hitting the ship.Inert Matter 6Description: The Constellation class was fielded during the 2280's as a modern counterpart to the Constitution class then in service. Constellation requirement issued in 2272 called for a vessel capable of long duration exploratory, scientific and diplomatic missions. The first vessel commanded by Captain Jean Luc Picard, the Stargazer was the first vessel in Starfleet to perform the "Picard Manoeuvre" which it used to destroy an attacking craft now known to be a Ferengi Marauder. Weapons: 6 x Type VIII Phaser banks 1 x "Fusionenergy" Phaser bank 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (200 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 8.5F 7A 7D 7V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 6.5 Tactics: The ship has strong Forward weapons but the shields or not very strong. Use "hit and run" tactics to avoid to many F.-shield hits. The warp core is a weak point. It can only produce the power required for standart travel so keep an eye on the powerbar during fights!Dominion BattlecruiserThe Warbird used in Episode 2, Mission 0 of the Maelstrom CampaignDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: The Keldon specifically modified for Legat Matan.Krenim Weapon ShipGalorDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Cardassian Stations provide support for ships of all types and are often used as a dry dock for ships undergoing repairs. They are typically heavily armed to help defend the sector of space they are in. Weapons: 6 Phasers and 8 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: 7F 7A 7D 7V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 80Montana ClassCentaurDescription: Among the most advanced and most powerful vessels in the Federation Starfleet during the late 24th century. The USS Enterprise-D, launched in 2363, was one of the first starships of this class, as was the USS Galaxy, after which the class was named. Roughly 600 m in length, it is equipped with 250 Photon Torpedoes, and multiple Heavy Phaser banks, making this a multi-purpose starship. It also has the ability to perform a saucer separation, and actually be able to reintegrate after an emergency situation. Therefore, families and innocent citizens can be taken to safety aboard the saucer section, while the stardrive, which contains the ships warp systems, stays behind for combat. Weapons: x17 Heavy Phaser Arrays x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 250 Photon) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 46359 Tactics: Take advantage of the wide phaser coverage and disable enemy impulse drive to maximise torpedo impacts. When attacking the Galaxy class it is best to disable its shield generator as a priority and then continue to take out its sensor array.Federation Space Facilities are typically used for long-term stellar research teams. They may sometimes be used for conferences or diplomatic gatherings but their limited defenses make them dependent on other ships for protection. Weapons: None Shield Rating: 11F 11A 11D 11V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 55Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Prometheus class was one of the most advanced starships fielded by Starfleet in the late 24th century. It was designed with an unprecedented level of automation, and, combined with its advanced tactical systems, was one of the most powerful combat ships in the Alpha Quadrant. It was equipped with advanced phaser arrays, quantum torpedoes, regenerative shields, and ablative armor, and its warp engines were designed to outrun even the fastest starship of the Federation fleet. The Prometheus was so classified that only 4 Starfleet officers were trained on how to operate the ship. A unique feature included in the Prometheus design was the multi-vector assault mode, which allowed the ship to split into three semi-independent sections that could each deliver massive force against an enemy target. All three sections were warp-capable. Combined with the extensive automation, the Prometheus could be run by as few as four people. Weapons: x12 Heavy Phaser Arrays x12 Torpedo Tubes (Complement Photon, Quantum) Shield Rating: Heavy Regenerative Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 45000 Tactics: The Prometheus class is one of the most versatile ships in Starfleet. When attackins enemy ships, utilize its heavy phasers and replicating torpedoes to disable enemy ships. Take advantage of the Multi-Vectoral Assault Mode when your ship is outnumbered. When attacking the Promtheus, disabling its shield generator will severly endanger the ship allowing its other systems to be destroyed.Description: Among the most advanced and most powerful vessels in the Federation Starfleet during the late 24th century. The USS Enterprise-D, launched in 2363, was one of the first starships of this class, as was the USS Galaxy, after which the class was named. Roughly 600 m in length, it is equipped with 250 Photon Torpedoes, and multiple Heavy Phaser banks, making this a multi-purpose starship. It also has the ability to perform a saucer separation, and actually be able to reintegrate after an emergency situation. Therefore, families and innocent citizens can be taken to safety aboard the saucer section, while the stardrive, which contains the ships warp systems, stays behind for combat. Weapons: x17 Heavy Phaser Arrays x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 250 Photon) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 46359 Tactics: Take advantage of the wide phaser coverage and disable enemy impulse drive to maximise torpedo impacts. When attacking the Galaxy class it is best to disable its shield generator as a priority and then continue to take out its sensor array.Unknown Debris 5Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: FalconDescription: Allies to the Dominion, the Breen are an alien race. Little is known about them, they are highly elusive. Their ships are small powerful vessels, equiped with torpedos, disruptor cannons and sometimes phasers. Weapons: Torpedos, Disruptors, Poleron Beam Shield Rating: Average Hull Rating: Average Tactics: Fast and highly manueverable, watch out for forward attacks.AsteroidThe Solar Device uses technology that is still being studied. It is the size of a small space station. Weapons: 1 Beam Shield Rating: 9F 9A 9D 9V 9P 9S Hull Rating: 20Akira2Communcations Arrays aid in transmitting information through sub-space. They can also be modified to act as early warning sensor posts in areas of enemy activity. Weapons: None Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: 30NebulaLC_AdelphiVorchaFeklhrMK2Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Praetor is a new experimental ship which is smaller, faster, more manoeuvrable, and better armed than the D'Deridex. However, it used up a lot of resources to make the Praetor, so only a few high-ranking Romulans were ever given Command of one. Praetor class vessels derived their name to suit their intended role as escort vessels for members of the Senate. Weapons: x2 Disruptor Cannons x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 600 Light Plasma) x4 Disruptor Banks Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 12000 A: 9000 T: 10000 B: 10000 L: 9000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 14000 Tactics: Unlike most Romulan ships, this ship is useful for attack runs using both fore and aft attacks. However, the starboard and port sides are devoid of weapons and have weak shielding.LC_HoratioX303 - PrometheusThis is a specially modified freighter that appears in Episode 7.Description: Prototype vessel, registry number NX-74205. The second starship to bear the name Defiant. The Defiant was originally designated as an escort, but began development in 2366 as a small, highly-powered, heavily-armed starship intended to defend the Federation against the Borg. The Defiant was the first of what was to become a new Federation Battle fleet. Starfleet later abandoned the project when the Borg threat became less urgent, and because of design flaws turning up during its shakedown cruise. The ship possess minimal crew accommodations, a small sickbay, and no provisions for families, and carried at least 2 shuttlecraft. It was also equipped with a class-7 warp drive, which was exceptionally powerful. In 2373, it finally carried out its original purpose, when Lieutenant Commander Worf took the USS Defiant to Sector 001, where it defended Earth against an invading Borg Cube, circa stardate 50893. USS Defiant was pivotal during the Dominion war, however the prototype was destroyed by the Breen towards the end of the war. The second Defiant Class vessel (USS Sao Paulo) was named USS Defiant in its predecessors honour. Defiant class starships are considered as destroyer class vessels and pose a considerable threat. Weapons: x4 Pulse Phaser Cannons x1 Heavy Phaser Array x6Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Quantum) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 7000 A: 5000 T: 5000 B: 5000 L: 5000 R: 5000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 18000 Tactics: Although heavily shielded for its size, the Defiant class cannot take sustained firepower from the opponents it is designed to face. Use its high maneuverability to avoid enemy fire, and try to maintain pulse phaser fire to a single shield. When attacking Defiant class vessels it is necessary to evade its pulse phasers, disabling the vessels impulse engines would greatly increase chances of success.StarbaseInert Matter 5Description: The Scimitar is one of the most powerful ships encountered by the Federation Starfleet. It carried an abundance of firepower, good shields, and had the special ability to fire under cloak. This proved to be a great advantage in war. Commanded by Shinzon, who fought 12 major engagements in the Dominion War, all successful, the Scimitar engaged the USS Enterprise-E in the Bassen Rift, where it could ultimately force Captain Jean-Luc Picard to surrender, use his blood to cure his degenerative disease, and ultimately defeat Earth, by using its Thalaron weapon, which could destroy organisms at the microscopic level. The ship was ultimately defeated, with the sacrifice of Commander Data of the Enterprise. Weapons: 44 Disruptor Cannons 27 Photon Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 1000) Shield Rating: F: 35000 A: 35000 T: 35000 B: 35000 L: 35000 R: 35000 Hull Rating: 95000 Tactics: This ship is powerful. Use the cloak as an advantage (this ship DOES have the ability to fire under cloak. When attacking the Scimitar try to disable its cloak.LC_ExcaliburtpLC_ExetertpType6NorwayPlanet Fragment 7Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: MarauderUnknown Debris 9LC_YamaguchitpDescription: The USS Phoenix is a Nebula Class variant, it housed a large sensor array on top of its pod structure allowing for a much larger and sophisticated sensor range. It uses a high-energy sensor sweep that cycled every 5.5 minutes. Between each of those cycles, a 'window' of 1/50th of a second would open, requiring the ship's shields to be realigned. The Phoenix design means that the ship is less equipped to deal with threats and more suitable for release missions or long range support. Weapons: x14 Medium Phaser Arrays x4 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 100 Photon) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 7500 T: 7500 B: 7500 L: 7500 R: 7500 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 12000 Tactics: Utilize the ships long range sensors when engaging enemy ships to gain the advantage, a quick scan of a ship may reveal weaknesses allowing an attack strategy to be formulated. Cycle through phasers and torpedoes and disable enemy sensors whenever possible. When attacking the Phoenix, destroying its sensor array should be a top priority and will remove the ships greatest asset.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Dominion BattleshipRomulan OutpostAquatic DreadnoughtKlingon StarbaseDecoyLight Communications ArrayDY Borg Sphere Probes are often created by replacing the warhead of a photon torpedo with sensors and transmitters.Description: The Type-11 shuttlecraft was an advanced auxiliary vehicle used by Starfleet, designed for use as an embarked craft from starships and outposts. The shuttlecraft is fitted with a Tachyon generator which allows the ships deflector to emit concentrated Tachyon bursts that are capable of disabling the shields of a vessel for a short time. This can make the ship a useful asset when engaging enemy ships. Weapons: x4 Light Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 60 Micro Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 2500 A: 1600 T: 1600 B: 1600 L: 1600 R: 1600 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 1800 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high speeds to evade enemy fire. The shuttle is not designed to engage in combat situations so its advisable to seek methods of hiding from enemy sensors whenever possible. Also utilize the ships Tachyon generator which allows it to disable a ships shields for a short time.Missouri ClassCardassian Outposts provide support for ships of all types and are typically armed to help defend the sector of space they are in. Weapons: 6 Phasers and 6 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: 6F 6A 6D 6V 6P 6S Hull Rating: 40Description: The Nova class was a type of Federation starship in service in the late 24th century. It was designed primarily as a science and scout vessel, used for long-term research and analysis after a region has been surveyed by larger explorer-type vessels. Nova class vessels are also dispatched to perform deep space research missions whilst only possessing limited crew facilities. The Nova design was a relatively weak one; the ship is only capable of Warp 8 and its weaponry is limited to defensive phasers and torpedo launchers. However, the Nova remains one of Starfleet's most advanced scientific vessels; more advanced than that of the older Oberth class. Weapons: x11 Light Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 75 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 7000 A: 5000 T: 6000 B: 6000 L: 5000 R: 5000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 8000 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high maneuverability and deliver fast strikes against enemy ships. When attacking Nova class vessels you should disable their impulse engines as a priority.USS Enterprise NX-01Description: The Romulan Raptor-Class is a powerful, efficient and cheap battle cruiser. Designed for mass numbers, the Raptor is suited for many purposes, but mainly patrolling and battles. The Raptor is equipped with many disruptor banks and cannons to minimise blind spots, and is also fairly manoeuvrable. Weapons: x8 Disruptor Cannons x1 Torpedo Tube (Complement 500 Light Plasma) x2 Disruptor Banks Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 10000 A: 8500 T: 8500 B: 8500 L: 8500 R: 8500 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 12000 Tactics: Try to use all distuptor cannons, both fore and aft, on targets, using the disruptor banks as you rotate the ship. If up against this, take out the cloak first so it can't cloak and repair.Description: Similar to the MKI Runabout, the MKII has an extra rollbar in the midsection which carries double the number of Photon Torpedoes. This is definitely an advantage during a combat mission. This is definitely the craft of choice for short range tactical missions. Weapons: 6 Light Phaser Arrays 2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 24 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 1200 A: 1000 T: 1000 B: 1000 L: 1000 R: 1000 Hull Rating: Light Hull Plating 2000 Tactics: As would be expected, a vessel of this size does not pose a great threat when isolated. However, in packs of three or more, or supporting larger starships, they can prove effective as combat support vessels. When attacking Danube Class vessels, a successful torpedo strike should be enough to knock out its shield vector allowing phasers to destroy the hull.USS Churchill (Challenger Class)ConstitutionDescription: Maquis Raider variant 1 Weapons: Phasers Photon torpedoes Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: ManueverableEscape pods are the lifeboats of starships. They are equipped with limited emergency supplies and can travel short distances to reach a station or a habitable planet. If no safe-haven is near they are also equipped with emergency transmitters to call for help. Weapons: None Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: 1Description: Federation starship in use in the late 24th century. The USS Thunderchild was a ship of the Akira class. Several Akira class vessels fought in the combined Alpha Quadrant fleet that invaded Cardassia in late 2374, and only three were destroyed by Cardassian Weapon Platforms at the Chin'toka system. It's role as a battle cruiser has come in very handy for the Federation in times of battle. A formidable ship, equipped with a numerous amount of Photon Torpedo tubes, it can definitely hold her own in battle. Akira class vessels were also refitted to launch Quantum torpedoes to further their role in combat. Unlike most other Federation vessels the Akira class utilizes torpedo strikes as opposed to phaser engagements due to the limited phaser arrays. Weapons: x3 Heavy Phaser Arrays x12 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon, 50 Quantum) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 12000 A: 10000 T: 10000 B: 10000 L: 10000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 13000 Tactics: Due to the limited amount of phaser arrays the Akira class starships favour torpedo strikes in battle. Capable of launching a barrage of Photon and Quantum torpedoes the Akira class is a starship to contend with. When attacking Akira class vessels it would be wise to disable is torpedo launchers as a priority to render the vessels primary attack useless.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Unknown Debris 6Description: Starbase 220 is a Federation starbase administered by Starfleet. It is armed with powerful phasers and torpedoes and is capable of defending itself against many vessels providing the stations shield generator remains intact. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Dorsal MVAM Section of a Prometheous Class starship Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Fek'lhr-class is named after a mythical Klingon beast who guards the gates of Gre-Thor, where dishonored Klingon warriors go after death. The vessel was designed as a heavy attack escort vessel. Better armored and mounted with better weapons than the smaller ships in the military, the Fek'lhr is also capable of long-range reconnaissance and scout duties thanks to its cloaking device and advanced sensor package. The Fek'lhr is also equipped with a modular equipment pod similar to that found on the Federation's Nebula-class. This allows the vessel to be refitted quickly for other duties. Weapons: 3 Disruptor Beams (1 Forward, 1 Dorsal, 1 Ventral) 2 Disruptor Cannons Forward (1 Port, 1 Starboard) 3 Torpedo Tubes (2 Forward, 1 Aft; 500 Photons, 200 Advanced Photons) Shield Rating: F: 17000 A: 17000 T: 8500 B: 8500 L: 8500 R: 8500 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 22000 Tactics: A heavily fortified ship, the Feklhr is a force to be reckoned with. When attacking this ship, it is better to go for hit and run attacks, and take advantage of its slow speed and turning rates. When using this ship, take advantage of its advanced torpedoes, which are normally used for base attacks.ScimitarGriffinDescription: Larger Shuttle craft Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Sovereign YachtReman Warbird ScimitarDescription: Perhaps the most famous spacecraft in the history of space exploration, the original USS Enterprise was a Constitution-class vessel, registry number NCC-1701. Launched in 2245 from the San Francisco Yards orbiting Earth, the Enterprise was first commanded by Captain Robert T. April, then by Captain Christopher Pike. The Enterprise had 14 science labs, and achieved legendary status during the first 5-year mission commanded by Captain James T. Kirk from 2264 to 2269. The Enterprise was refitted several times in her history, most notably in 2270, when every major system was upgraded, a new bridge module was installed, and the warp nacelles were replaced. The ship was destroyed by James Kirk in 2285, to prevent the ship from falling into the hands of the Klingons. The Enterprise had introduced the brand new phaser as a replacement to the lasers commonly used on spacecraft of that era. This provided tactical superiority against common foe. Constitution class vessels were later upgraded to present day standards and were used during the Dominion war. Weapons: x14 Light Phaser Arrays x3 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 60 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 3000 T: 3000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 6000 Tactics: Due to the outdated nature of the vessel it is best to attack enemy ships with support of much stronger ships, however Constitution class vessels are still capable of defending themselves against weaker enemy ships. When attacking the constitution it is best to disable their torpedoes to render the vessel a lesser threat.Planet Fragment 1Unknown Debris 11Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: E2M0WarbirdOberth ClassExcelsior (refit)Description: The Eximus class was originally developed to be a cutting edge explorer that would define the next genration of starfleet vessel design, incorporating new technologies pioneered in the Defiant, Sovereign, Prometheus, and Steamrunner class vessels. The project took a militaristic turn during the dominion war when Starfleet engineers were instructed to re-outfit the ship as a combat vessel. Before these modifications, the Eximius was already formidable as it is very maneuverable for it's size. But the added weaponry, including Defiant-type Pulse Phasers, make the class nothing short of deadly. The prototype was not completed in time to see much action in the war, although the ship has proven very effective in tactical simulations. Weapons: x6 Medium Phaser Arrays x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 100 Photon, 150 Quantum) x2 Pulse Phaser Emitters Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 10000 A: 10000 T: 10000 B: 10000 L: 10000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 20000 Tactics: The Eximus Class is a formidable vessel due to its maneuverability and weapon systems. When attacking other ships take advantage of these systems and keep a torpedo lock on enemy ships. Attacking the Eximus requires additional skill, disabling its impulse engines will reduce the ships threat considarably.Description: The Tamarian Warship is the principle military vessel of the Tamarian race. This particular design is so successfuil that a number of other races in the gamma and delta quadrant have purchased variants from the Tamarian Government. Weapons: 7 MK III Pulse Phaser Banks, 2 Fast Reload Torpedo launchers. Shield Rating: 15F 13A 12D 12V 15P 15S Hull Rating: 17 Tactics: The powerful front pulse phaser coupled with the torpedo launcher packs a punch in any Shields, but are vunerable to sustained fire, so protect them.LC_ExcaliburAkiraEscape PodDescription: The K'Tinga-class vessel has been in service in the Klingon empire for decades, even longer than the Bird of Prey. The ship has received constant upgrades and refits to keep it current, and still serves many important functions in the Empire today. The design is based on the original Klingon D7 vessel. While certainly dependable in combat, the K'Tinga is one of the only Klingon vessels adaptable to exploratory and research use as well. The vessel serves many diplomatic functions and is a reliable light escort ship. Weapons: 1 Forward Disruptor Beam 4 Forward Disruptor Cannons 2 Torpedo Tubes (1 Forward, 1 Aft; 100 Photons) Shield Rating: F: 3200 A: 1200 T: 2400 B: 2400 L: 2400 R: 2400 Hull Rating: 8000 Tactics: The K'Tinga class does have its pros and cons. When attacking this ship, target its shields and hull, since it is an outdated vessel. When attacking with this ship, use combinations of torpedoes and disruptors in one violent volley to maximize damage dealt to your enemy.Description: Description: The Miradorn are a race from the Gamma Quadrant. They have unusual characteristics, like all are twins who make up a single self as two halves of one being. There ships are also of interest. They have adequate weapons, and their torpedoes are powerful. Overall, they are a worthy foe. Weapons: 2 Forward Disruptor Beams 2 Forward Disruptor Cannons 3 Torpedo Tubes; 2 Forward, 1 Aft (Stock: 60) Shield Rating: F: 8000 A: 5000 T: 5500 B: 5500 L: 5500 R: 5500 Hull Rating: 6000 Tactics: Stay Clear of there forward weapons array, and their torpedo tubes, as they are pretty powerful. These ships are maneuverable, use that to your advantage. Description: The Aegian class was developed by Starfleet as a long range support vessel and was assigned to escort Federation fleets. However with the emerging threat of the Borg, and later the Dominion, Starfleet upgraded the vessel with a prototype repair emitter which is capable of repairing shield and hull damage. While the primary role of the vessel is to support the rest of the fleet, the Aegian is still equipped with Photon Torpedoes, should it need to engage enemy ships alone. It is also fitted with enhanced tractor beams to tow damaged ships should the need arise. Weapons: x4 Prototype Repair Emiiters x4 Photon Torpedo Tubes (Complement 180) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Emitter F: 9800 A: 9000 T: 9000 B: 9000 L: 9000 R: 9000 Hull Rating: Reinforced Armor Plating 10000 Tactics: The Aegian is a support vessel and should be used to support the rest of the fleet. Use its repair beams to repair damaged vessels and photon torpedoes to attack enemy ships in range. Its enhanced tractor beams are also useful to evacuate damaged vessels from the region.Phase2shuttleHybridDescription: The stardrive section of the Galaxy-class starship. This portion is where command and tactical officers stay behind in extreme emergency situations in which a saucer separation is needed. This portion also contains the ship's main engineering and warp drive systems. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Unknown Debris 4Description: The Venture scout ship was a type of Federation auxiliary craft in operation during the late 24th century. The scout was a single-pilot vessel with a forward mounted cockpit separated from the rest of the vessel. It was slightly larger in size than the Type-9 shuttlecraft, and carried dual-mounted phaser banks and photon torpedoes. Weapons: x2 Light Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 30 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 1500 A: 1200 T: 1400 B: 1400 L: 1400 R: 1400 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 1500 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high speeds and deliver fast attacks whilst remaining hidden from enemy torpedo locks.VenturePeragrineDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: NeghvarDescription: The type-6 shuttle is a short range craft. For propulsion, it is equipped with two 1250 millicochrane warp nacelles and micro fusion thrusters. There is no standard armament, but the shuttlecraft can be equipped with two type IV phaser emitters for special purposes. The shuttle also features a navigational deflector and redundant graviton polarity source generators. A transporter assembly is also not standard, but the shuttle can be fitted with a portable array. The control systems are intuitive, and a non-Federation pilot can quickly learn to fly the craft. Type-6 shuttles are easily configurable for testing of a variety of technologies. Weapons: x1 Light Phaser Shield Rating: F: 1500 A: 800 T: 800 B: 800 L: 800 R: 800 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 1200 Tactics: Use the shuttles speed to evade torpedoes.Description: The Norway-class was a type of starship in service with Starfleet during the 2370s. The vessel's armament included a phaser emitter situated on the dorsal bow. In 2373, four ships of this class were involved in the Battle of Sector 001. The Norway-Class was designed to be in a fleet, and therefore is a bit lacking in firepower when on its own. Equipped with a single forward phaser and dual pulse phasers the Norway poses only a minor threat however is still dangerous as part of an attack force. Weapons: x1 Medium Phaser Array x3 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 100 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 6000 A: 6000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 10000 Tactics: When attacking enemy ships with the Norway it is essential to do so as part of a fleet due to the limited weapons onboard the vessel. Take advantage of its pulse phasers in order to damage enemy vessels and continue to support the larger fleet vessels during an attack. When attacking the Norway class its advisable to destroy its shield generator in order to make the ship vulnerable to torpedo fire.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Nebula-class starship was an Explorer-type vessel in service in Starfleet in the second half of the 24th century. Its design is closely related to that of the Galaxy-class. The engineering section houses a pod structure that can be used in various configurations. Nebula-class starships have been observed carrying pods that contain additional warp nacelles and torpedo launchers. An advantage of the Nebula class over the Galaxy is that it's much cheaper to produce; therefore there are more Nebula Class starships than Galaxy Class. Weapons: x7 Medium Phaser Arrays x8 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 250 Photon) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 12000 A: 9000 T: 10000 B: 10000 L: 9000 R: 9000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 12000 Tactics: Nebula class vessels are equipped with a large number of torpedo tubes due to its weapons pod, take advantage of this when engaging enemy ships. While the Nebula class is moderatly slow it is able to hold many vessels in its powerful tractor beams allowing you to destroy them easily. When attacking Nebula class starships it is wise to disable its tractor beams as a priority and proceed to disable its torpedos.Danube RunaboutBorgCubeDescription: The Romulan Fire hawk entered service as part of a new era of Romulan technology. After years of depending upon Klingon designs to fill their fleet, the Romulans began to use the technology bought to design their own ships. This served 2 purposes. First it made the Romulans less dependant upon the Klingons for their forces. Second they were able to build ships better suited to be equipped with plasma torpedoes and the cloaking device, areas where Klingon designs suffered. The Firehawk surpassed all expectations for performance. She easily matched every races battle cruiser that were fielded at the time and was soon considered a "Pocket Battleship". This was the first class to use the zero point energy core that the Romulans had been developing and set the standard for future Romulan classes such as the Melak and later the D'Deridex Warbirds. Weapons: x9 Disruptor Banks x2 Torpedo Tube (Complement 400 Light Plasma) x2 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 9000 A: 8500 T: 8500 B: 8500 L: 8500 R: 8500 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 16000 Tactics: The Firehawk possesses many weapons to engage enemy ships. Cycle through all of its weapons and disable enemy shields as a priority. When attacking a Firehawk it is advisable to disable its shield generator.Federation Space Facilities are typically used for long-term stellar research teams. They may sometimes be used for conferences or diplomatic gatherings but their limited defenses make them dependent on other ships for protection. Weapons: None Shield Rating: 11F 11A 11D 11V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 55Description: The Bird of Prey commanded by General Chang, in an effort to provoke the peace talks between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire, also known as the Khitomer Conference. This was no ordinary Bird of Prey, as encountered several times by the crew of the original USS Enterprise. This ship had the ability to fire under cloak. Whilst it could only fire torpedoes, it was definitely an advantage in battle tactics. The disadvantage was, of course, that the ship did not have its shields operational while under cloak. Nevertheless, the crew of the USS Enterprise-A, along with the USS Excelsior, discovered the plot in time to destroy the Klingon ship, albeit with heavy damage, and dissipate the plot to assassinate the Federation President during the conference. Weapons: X2 disruptor cannons 1 Torpedo tube (Modified to fire whilst cloaked) Shield Rating: F: 4500 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: 7200 Tactics: A very maneuverable ship, should be used for hit and run attacks, with the advantage of the torpedo which fires under cloak. Always attack!Description: A common freighter which traverses the Alpha Quadrant trading supplies. Merchant freighters are intended as convoy vessels, however they are equipped with weapons in order to defend themselves. Do not under-estimate these ships, their weapons may be weak and their hulls may not be tough, but Merchant Freighters possess Ion torpedoes which have the ability to damage a ships impulse drive. Many pirates use this technology in order to plunder supplies from ships located in unpatrolled regions. Weapons: x7 Light Phasers x1 Torpedo Tune (Complement: 100 Photon, 6 Ion) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 3000 T: 3000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 4000 Tactics: When engaging enemy ships attempt to do so with the support of other merchant ships. Use the Ion torpedo to damage the engines of other ships and then take down shields using the phasers and torpedoes. When attacking merchant freighters, its vital to disable their torpedo systems to prevent them from using Ion torpedoes. These freighters can be destroyed easily using torpedoes.Surrok ClassStandard Federation Decoy.Description: A large, fixed installation. Starbases serve to establish control points in space and to provide major staging areas from which to deploy starships. Starbases are heavily armed, heavily protected, dangerous facilities. Weapons: 40 Disruptor Beams 10 Heavy Disruptor Cannons 10 Torpedo Tubes (4000 Photons) Shield Rating: F: 100000 A: 200000 T: 20000 B: 20000 L: 20000 R: 20000 Hull Rating: 520000 Tactics: In order to defeat this installation, you will need a very large fleet, as its weapons array is a force to be reckoned with. Also, use capital ships with strong shields and the latest weapons to defeat it.Description: The "big guns" of the Xindi: huge (1900m), powerful, tough, slow as a comatose Barkturian turtle - The D'Deridex of the Enterprise era. Weapons: Torpedo Tubes: 5f 2a Hydrolasers: 1f - 8 ventral (1f/s 1f/p 1a/s 1a/p 1p 1s 2a - 6 dorsal (1f/p 1f/s 1a/p 1a/s 2u) Shield Rating: 10k Hull Rating: 16k Tactics: This beast is slow but has excelent torpedo-laser coverage and high recharge rates to compensateThe Light Communications is often configured to transmit sensor data to a local space facility. These stations may be placed in orbit of a planet for prolonged information gathering. Weapons: None Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: 15Inert Matter 4Description: The Nebula class was fielded in the 2350's to provide a smaller, more numerous counterpart to the Galaxy class then under construction. The design was intended to parallel that of the Galaxy class as closely as possible in order to allow for many identical systems to be installed in both classes; this has resulted in significant improvements in the design and construction processes for the Nebula class and thus allowed comparatively high numbers to be fielded. Weapons: 8 Type X Phaser arrays, 3 Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo tubes Shield Rating: 14F 14A 14D 14V 14P 14S Hull Rating: 14 Tactics: Same as NebulaDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: This is a Concept design for a Star Trek Television show that made it to pre-production but was then cancelled Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Danube mark IIRaptorGalaxy StardriveLC_HoratiotpDescription: The Saucer MVAM Section of a Prometheous Class starship Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The saucer section of the Galaxy-class starship. This portion is where most of the ships crew, families, and non-Starfleet personnel are evacuated to during an extreme emergency situation in which a saucer separation is needed. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Unknown Debris 7PeregrineOutpost K'TingaDescription: The Centaur-class frigate was a relatively new starship created in the late 2360's as a successor to the aging Miranda-class starships. Therefore, they were mostly intended for cargo duty, and transport of weapons to starbases during the Dominion War. Even so, it does come with its own complement of Phasers and Photon Torpedoes, for self-defense, especially during the Dominion War. The USS Centaur, commanded by Captain Charles Reynolds, attacked a Jem'Hadar attack fighter, not knowing that it was actually be commanded by Captain Benjamin Sisko. The ship suffered some minor damage in the battle. Weapons: x9 Medium Phaser Arrays x4Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 3500 T: 3500 B: 3500 L: 3500 R: 3500 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 8500 Tactics: When engaging enemy ships try to prevent damage to the ships shield generator and continue to rotate through all phaser arcs. The ship iteself is able to hold its own against most starships however its advisable to take away an enemy ships advantage as a priority. When attacking Centaur class vessels you should disable its impulse engines, allowing you to target the vessel with torpedoes more easily.SaberDescription: The Hutet is a huge, powerful ship designed by the Cardassian Union, as a sign that the Cardassians will not give up so easily. It is huge, and has slow maneuverability, although its vast weapons array more than makes up for that. Being in front of this ship is not a good idea. Weapons: 30 Spiral-Wave Disruptor Beams 7 Photon Torpedo Tubes; 5 Forward, 2 Aft (Stock: 1000) Shield Rating: F: 42000 A: 30000 T: 22000 B: 20000 L: 18000 R: 18000 Hull Rating: 225000 Tactics: Stay clear of its forward weapon's array, as you won't survive long there. Try to be in a fast, maneuverable ship, and stay in his blind spot, a place where he isn't in weapons range. Make full use of his slow turning rate and speed.Description: The Negh'Var is the flagship of the Klingon Defense Force, and the largest and most powerful ship in the Klingon fleet. The ship was designed to showcase the military might of the Empire and features the most advanced weapons and sensor packages available, including support for a Polaron Torpedo refit. Due to the sheer size and advanced nature of the vessel, it is also the most expensive ship ever built by the Empire, meaning that while powerful, it will never replace the Vor'cha for sheer usefulness. The Negh'Var is slow-moving and sacrifices maneuverability for armor and weapons, making it a feared opponent in combat. Notable Negh'Var vessels include the I.K.S. Negh'Var, which is the Empire's flagship and was commanded by General Martok during the Klingon Empire's invasion of Cardassia. Weapons: 10 Disruptor Beams (5 Forward, 2 Port, 2 Starboard, 1 Aft) 2 Forward Heavy Disruptor Cannons 5 Torpedo Tubes (3 Forward, 2 Aft; 800 Photons, 100 Advanced Photons) Shield Rating: F: 26000 A: 12000 T: 24000 B: 16000 L: 18000 R: 18000 Hull Rating: 26000 Tactics: While battling against this ship, it is recommended at all costs to avoid the Forward Bow of the ship, as this is the location of most of its weapons. Take advantage of its slow maneuverability to attack at all costs. When using this ship, it should be used for base assaults, and if by chance you need to engage in starship combat, take full use of its Disruptor Beams.Federation TransportScimitarLC_GandhitpLBdefiantDescription: DarkDrone/SSMike Port Weapons: 10 Type X Phaser Arrays, 4 Fore and 2 Aft Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: 29F 17A 17D 17V 17P 17S Hull Rating: 24 Tactics: Standard Federation TacticsDescription: Ships of the Akira 2 class are highly maneuverable and have a very high shield strength compared to the akira class. The Akira 2 class can fire both Quantum, and Photon torpedoes. Weapons: 14 Phasers and 7 torpedo bays, armed with three Quantum/Photon Torpedoes. Shield Rating: very high! Hull Rating: 11 all Around but fore is 17. Tactics: Rotate the Phaser, and Shield Arcs if you wish, but the Phasers do charge at a high rate. Change speeds to avoide Torpedoe, or Pulse weapon fire. Try to avoide hits in the Torpedoe and Phaser Systems. Use Quantum Torpedoes, as you have 175, and they are more, powerful and more Accurate than photons, or Advanced Photons.Light CruiserBorg DiamondDominion BugshipDescription: After putting itself back into the galactic scene, the Romulan senate felt it needed a vessel that would be quicker to produce than the Warbird, but still be able to fight the advanced Federation ships. The Griffin class prototype was in development for only 6 months. After a short shakedown cruise, the Griffin proved it was more than capable of needs it was designed for. The Griffin is a predator and is one of the only Romulan ships capable of firing dual disruptor beams at once to deliver increase damage. This attack cruiser can take out most of its Klingon and Federation counterparts. The Romulans have been reserved to use these vessels in combat. Weapons: x2 Disruptor Banks x1 Torpedo Tube (Complement 200 Light Plasma) x4 Disruptor Cannon Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 7000 A: 6000 T: 6000 B: 6000 L: 6000 R: 6000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 8000 Tactics: Use mainly frontal attacks, and get close to enemy ships to maximise accuracy. When attacking this ship, stay slightly above or below the aft to take advantage of the ship's blind spots.Description: Federation's Latest Twin Hull Design -- Scimitar class Weapons: Frequency shifted Collimated Type XI Phaser Arrays -- Higher Freq shift provides 50% increase in damage. Ship has 6 high volume torpedo launchers. 4 to the front and 2 to the rear. Able to reload in 60% of the time and hold 2 torpedos per tube. Ship has fighter launching bay, however fighters have not been issued yet. Cloaking device is installed for clandestine operations. Shield Rating: Shield Frequency has been shifted higher allowing for a greater field strength. Recharge has been increased Hull Rating: Hull integrity is equal to a Sovereign class vessel. Tactics: Well rounded ship with good speed and maneuverability for her size. Not much spare power available in spite of her twin warp cores. Make sure to watch your flanks, her rear and side shields are half as strong as her front, dorsal and ventral shields. Try to use vertical (ship orientation) maneuvers to keep the strong shields to your target.Description: A Drydock which allows you to dock and repair when requested. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Falcon is a small, agile Romulan light interceptor. It is mainly used for scout or stealth missions, although it was used in a few Dominion Wars battles. The Falcon has an advanced warp system, capable of warp 9.94 to aid in hit and run missions. The falcon is a surprisingly versatile and efficient ship, well shifted to many assignments. Weapons: x3 Disruptor Banks x1 Torpedo Tube (Complement 100 Light Plasma) x2 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 6000 A: 5000 T: 5000 B: 5000 L: 5000 R: 5000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 7000 Tactics: Deliver fast strikes against enemy ships and cloak if you are able. Take full advantage of the ships speeds to evade incomming torpedoes. When attacking the Falcon you should disable its engines to slow down its attacks.Borg SphereDescription: The Excelsior Mark II is basically a 'kitbash' of the Excelsior and the Sovereign-class starships. With an Excelsior saucer section, and Sovereign-style nacelles, it allows for this ship to be one of the fastest, most powerful ships in the Federation Starfleet. Now only a prototype, it was an overwhelming success during its shakedown cruise, and is planned to be mass-produced in the near future. Weapons: x22 Heavy Phaser Arrays x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon, 100 Quantum) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 10800 A: 10500 T: 9700 B: 9700 L: 9700 R: 9700 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 13000 Tactics: Take advantage of the increased phaser coverage when engaging enemy ships. The use of Quantum torpedoes should be sufficient to destroy weaker ships. When enaging the Excelsior refit it is wise to engage with the support of additional vessels. Disabling the ships shield generator should take priority in order to make it easier to disable the ships weapons.exeterDescription: The Oberth class has a distinguished Starfleet career dating back for over a century. The exploratory nature of the Oberth class mission meant that they would frequently discover new alien species, but their small size and limited crew numbers meant that they had a very limited diplomatic capability. In the 2340's all units received new phaser banks and the Probe tubes were also upgraded to hold around 50 Photontorps. Weapons: 2 x Type IV Phaser banks Each of the Probe magazines (Forw & Aft) can hold up to 20 photon torpedoes. Shield Rating: 6F 5A 5D 5V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 6 Tactics: The Oberth has only weak fighting skills .. try to avoid battle against more then one enemy. A great advantage of the oberth class is the strong tractorbeam but watch your power .. the ship can't handle tractor and weapons for long! KimalSpace FacilityST6 BirdOfPreyFirehawkBorg CubeGalaxyStardriveGalaxy IIDescription: The first major subgroup of the Excelsior class, the Enterprise-B subtype was designed for greater burst speed and manoeuvrability than the standard Excelsior and carried a much more elaborate electronics fit. Starfleet was especially worried about developments which might permit Klingon vessels to fire whilst still cloaked. Wake homing torpedoes were fitted as standard, while plasma detector systems allowed the new ship to locate almost any existing vessel through its cloak. The advanced sensors of the Enterprise-B were also able to engage vessels firing from cloak by automatically locking phasers onto the origin of the weapons fire and almost instantly laying down a pattern of fire on the immediate area before the enemy vessel could change its position. Weapons: 12 x Type VIII Phaser banks, 3 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (150 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 13.5F 13A 12D 12V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 13 (Scotty has enegeering) Tactics: The Ship has a good manoeuvrability so use this to avoid enemy Torp.-salves. The ships has relativly strong shields but a low regeneration so try to avoid getting to much fire to a single shield.. The stronges Weapon are the Forward Torp.tubes so save them if you want to survive! Unknown Debris 2Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Inert Matter 8LC_ExeterRhode IslandHeavy CruiserDelta FlyerDS9ExcaliburDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: KeldonDescription: Old Cardassian mining station built in orbit of planet Bajor during the Cardassian Occupation. Deep Space 9 was built in 2346 by the Cardassians, who called the station Terok Nor, to exploit Bajor's rich uridium deposits. In 2369, the Cardassians relinquished their claim on Bajor and retreated from the region. Starfleet assumed control of the facility shortly thereafter, at the request of the Bajoran Provisional Government. Shortly thereafter, the Bajoran wormhole was discovered, linking the Bajoran sector to the Gamma Quadrant. Therefore, the station was moved closer to the wormhole. The Operations Center is where are all main station functions are monitored. The Promenade has numerous service facilities and stores, and three massive docking towers, and several smaller docking ports. In 2371, the station began a major upgrade of its defensive systems in anticipation of a feared Dominion invasion. These preparations were ultimately successful in defending the station from Gowron's fleet of Klingon Imperial warships. Equipped with multiple phaser banks and Photon Torpedo turrets, you would need a large fleet to bring their defenses down. Weapons: x30 Heavy Phaser Arrays x24 Torpedo Tubes (Complement: Photon Torpedoes) Shield Rating: 3 Heavy Shield Generator F: 180000 A: 180000 T:180000 B: 180000 L: 180000 R: 180000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 120000 Tactics: Deep Space Nine possesses multiple weapon systems, fast vessels are most likely to evade its barrage of photon torpedoes however are vulnerable to its phasers. Use long range attacks to increase chances of evading its weapons. The prime target should be to cripple its shield generators.Description: The Keldon is a replacement for the aging Galor. Featuring more powerful weapons, better engines, and a faster warp cruise speed, this is the ship of choice in the Cardassian fleet. 10 of these converged on the USS Defiant, when it was hijacked by Thomas Riker, a duplicate of Commander Riker, who had defected to the Maquis. Thomas Riker did surrender to the Cardassians, and the Defiant was returned to the Federation. Weapons: 6 Spiral-Wave Disruptor Beams 2 Photon Torpedo Tubes, 1 Aft, 1 Forward (Stock: 200) Shield Rating: F: 6000 A: 5000 T: 5000 B: 5000 L: 5000 R: 5000 Hull Rating: 10000 Tactics: The Keldon is a reliable ship, able to conduct all sorts of different mission profiles. It is good to use its phaser arrays to full power, and make use of its improved warp engines. When engaging this ship, make sure you target its shield generator, since the hull and adjacent subsystems are weak.Description: DY Flagship Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Romulan ShuttleBreenBBSolar DeviceGalaxySaucerDescription: The Vor'cha-class makes up the bulk of the Klingon fleet. A powerful ship second only in size and firepower to the Negh'Var, the Vor'cha manages to maintain its maneuverability. Due to its versatility, the Vor'cha is tasked with numerous roles in the Klingon Empire. While it is the primary assault vessel of the Klingon Military during wartime, it is also equipped with a cloaking device and advanced long-range sensor systems, allowing it to be quite effective as an exploratory and reconnaissance vessel. Weapons: 1 Forward Disruptor Beam 2 Forward Disruptor Cannons 3 Torpedo Tubes (2 Forward, 1 Aft; 500 Photons) Shield Rating: F: 11000 A: 7000 T: 4500 B: 4000 L: 5500 R: 5500 Hull Rating: 18000 Tactics: The Vor'cha is a powerful ship, the ship of choice in the Empire. Make use of the Vorcha's forward weapons array to deliver a fast, and volatile attack on your opponent. When attacking this ship, try to take out its torpedoes, as that is its main weapon in this case, and take out their engines as well, because for a ship of its size, it is surprisingly maneuverable.Hidden CoreDescription: The B'Rel-class "Frigate" also known simply as the "Bird of Prey," has been in service in the Klingon Empire for over 80 years. The class has undergone several upgrades and refits, but is still used as the backbone of the Klingon fleet. The ship is highly maneuverable, requires a minimal crew to run at maximum combat effectiveness, and carries very impressive firepower for its small size. The B'Rel is capable of atmospheric flight and planetary landings as well, making it a very effective scout ship. The hull design and general layout were also used to create the heavier K'Vort-class "Destroyer." Weapons: 2 Forward Disruptor Cannons 1 Forward Torpedo Tube (100 Photons) Shield Rating: F: 4500 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: 7200 Tactics: Make use of this ship's cloaking device for hit and run attacks, and never retreat with this ship, Always attack! When battling this ship, try to take out its impulse engines and cloaking device, as this will severely disable the Bird of Prey's combat effectiveness.Description: The only known vessel belonging to the Borg designated 'Species 8472'. The Bioship is impervious to most technology and is capable of almost instantaneous regeneration. Its single firing weapon is capable of destroying almost any vessel within a few blasts. Weapons: One single observed beam of immense power. Shield Rating: Unknown Hull Rating: Unknown Tactics: When engaging a bioship, do so as part of a fleet and use tractor beams to hold the ships in place, but beware, 8472 bioships can kill most ships...Description: The Cardassian Hideki Attack Ship is the Cardassians equivalent to the Jem'Hadar Attack ship. Being of about the same strength and defensive capabilities, the Hideki does have the advantage of maneuverability. It can be useful for hit and run attacks, and in large scale battles, can be useful to hunt down and destroy small fighter craft. Such a move occured during the Battle to retake Deep Space Nine, under Dominion Occupation at the time. Weapons: 4 Spiral-Wave Disruptor Beams Photon Torpedoes (Stock: 20) Shield Rating: F: 2000 A: 1000 T: 1000 B: 1000 L: 1000 R: 1000 Hull Rating: 1000 Tactics: The Hideki is a fast, versatile attack ship, mostly used in reconnaissance or hit and run missions. Try to make full use of its small length and high maneuverability, and always be in packs of 3 or more, for optimal battle efficiency.Description: The Tal'goran class cruiser is approximately half the size of the Warbird. It doesn't have the firepower of the Warbird, however, it's manueverability more than makes up for it's lack of teeth. Weapons: 2 Disruptor cannons, 1 Disruptor Beam Shield Rating: 16f 8a 8d 8v 8l 8r Hull Rating: 12 Tactics: Use the cloaking device, and keep your nose toward the enemy. The Tal'goran has no rear weaponry, and it's strongest shield is on the nose. Maneuverability is this ships strong point. This vessel is a strong complement to the turret-like Warbird.ScimitarDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Dry DockAchillesKazon RaiderAmbassadorDescription: The Ferengi Marauder (or D'Kora Class) is almost equivalent in strength to a Galaxy Class Starship. It features a large cargo bay though, as it is owned by the Ferengi Alliance, a species embedded in the acquisition of wealth and profit. They do have quite an impressive array of weapons though, consisting of Photon Missiles, and disruptor cannons. Weapons: 2 Disruptor Beams; 1 Ventral, 1 Aft 3 Photon Missile Tubes; 2 Forward, 1 Aft (Stock: 200) 2 Forward Plasma Cannons Shield Rating: F: 7500 A: 7500 T: 7500 B: 7500 L: 7500 R: 7500 Hull Rating: 14000 Tactics: This ship is slow, but has good weapons. Try to use this ship against larger ships, since you will hit them more, and because your weapons aren't the most accurate in the quadrant.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Sona are a relentless force. They joined the Dominion as allies in 2374, as a main supplier of the addictive drug ketracel-white. Their Battleships are of symmetrical design, and have good offensive and defensive capabilities, although a bit unorthodox. They're weapons consist of unpredictable subspace weapons, called nitrolitic torpedoes, which can cause massive ruptures in subspace near metreon gas. The Sona are one in the same with the Baku, when they attempted to collect particles which could apparently reverse the processing of aging, and heal old wounds or disabilities. Weapons: 6 Heavy Phasers 3 Torpedo Tubes; 2 Forward.1 Aft Photon Torpedoes (Stock: 200) Nitrolitic Subspace Torpedoes (Stock: 20) Shield Rating: F: 9000 A: 9000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: 28000 Tactics: Stay clear of this ship's nitrolitic subspace weapons, as they are extremely powerful, albeit slow, and easy to avoid. Also, make use of the Photon Torpedoes, as they also pack a punch. When attacking the Sona Battleship, attempt to do so from the rear where it is devoid of beam weapons.MirandaSmugglerDescription: Definitely the largest space vehicle constructed by the Federation Starfleet, this ship was mainly built to combat the equally large and powerful Cardassian Hutet. Equipped with powerful modulating shields, heavy phaser banks and multiple photon, quantum, and a new, special type of torpedo, which is classified to level-4 command officers and above, this ship is a force to be reckoned with. Weapons: x5 Heavy Phaser Arrays x15 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 800 Photon, 400 Quantum, QuantumX) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 20000 A: 16000 T: 16000 B: 16000 L: 16000 R: 16000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 210000 Tactics: When attacking with the Excalibur take advantage of its self replicating QuantumX torpedoes which are capable of massive damage yields. Its slow speed makes the ship vulnerable to fast attack vessels which means additional support may be required. However larger ships will be extremely vulnerale to its torpedoes and heavy phaser arrays. Attack the Excalibur in larger numbers and avoid its torpedo tubes, it would be wise to disable its engines to ensure the vessel cannon maneuver into firing position and further reduce its greatest weakness.NCC 1701-B USS EnterpriseSteamrunnerPlanet Fragment 2Description: The standard short ranged craft used by the Klingon Empire. Shuttles can carry up to 6 personnel and are generally used for short-range transport. Weapons: 2 Forward Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: F: 1800 A: 1100 T: 1100 B: 1100 L: 1100 R: 1100 Hull Rating: 1000 Tactics: This ship is meant for short range research and rescue missions, nothing else. It is recommended to avoid skirmishes, but if this happens, take advantage of its small size and maneuverability to evade incoming weapons fire.Alita ClassDanube Class RunaboutStarbaseDescription: The Steamrunner class was a type of starship in service with the Federation Starfleet in the late 24th century. Ships of this class saw action in the Battle of Sector 001 in 2373, where several were lost, in Operation Return in 2374 and the second Battle of Chin'toka in 2375. This unconventional ship has an angular saucer-shaped hull, and like the Saber class, the Steamrunner has two warp nacelles embedded in the saucer. Instead of an engineering hull, an under slung secondary hull with a blue navigational deflector at the forefront is attached to the nacelles by a pylon running downward and inward at the aft end of each. The main bridge and the dorsal phaser array are embedded into the saucer to provide for better protection from enemy fire by blocking against attacks from the side. The primary hull's ventral side is dominated by the ship's ventral phaser array and lifeboats. Two impulse engines are located between the nacelles with one on each side of the ship. Weapons: x8 Medium Phaser Arrays x3 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 13000 A: 5000 T: 6000 B: 6000 L: 7000 R: 7000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 11000 Tactics: Utilize the ships phasers and torpedoes and take advantage of the increased speed of this ship when engaging enemy vessels. When attacking the Steamrunner class it is advisable to disable its impulse engines and continue to take out its weapons.Unknown Debris 8Inert Matter 7Inert Matter 2Galaxy (Mvam)PrometheusPlanet Fragment 6Type11A Federation Starbase is a major port of call for both military and non-military starships. These colossal structures have powerful weapons but primarily rely on other ships for defense. Weapons: 8 Phasers Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: 220LC_ValdemarDescription: The Ventral MVAM Section of a Prometheous Class starship Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: feklhrBombFreighterDescription: This ship is mainly used for reconnaissance missions in the collective. It can be launched from the bigger Cube, and is also powerful, it requires quite a fleet to take it down as well. Weapons: 17 Disruptor Beams 4 Gravimetric Torpedo Tubes; 2 Forward, 2 Aft (Stock: 5000) Shield Rating: F: 20000 A: 20000 T: 20000 B: 20000 L: 20000 R: 20000 Hull Rating: 80000 Tactics: This ship is maneuverable, and has good weapons for its size. Use the Gravimetric Torpedoes a lot, as they reload quickly. When enaging the sphere try to target systems located on the edge of its hull and evade its torpedoes at all costs.DefiantDescription: The Sovereign Class captain's yacht, the Cousteau, was a large support craft which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher. When connected to the Enterprise, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to space; the top of the craft was concealed by the Enterprise and the warp nacelles were folded against the hull. Upon launch, the Cousteau nacelles folded downward and the entire ship dropped away from the Enterprise. At 33.53 meters in length, the Cousteau was much larger than a standard shuttlecraft. The Cousteau contained a cockpit, a small transporter and cargo area, and a docking port which made a direct connection to the Enterprise-E. It was capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planetary surface. It could also generate tachyon bursts. Only one pilot was needed to fly the craft. Weapons: x4 Burst Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 20 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 4000 Tactics: The yacht is not designed for direct combat however it is capable of defending itself against weaker enemys. Use the ships speed to evade enemy torpedoes and attack in fast strikes.Blast MineSona BattleshipThis is a common transport ship that can be used for both civilian and military transport. It has weak shields and will sometimes be armed with limited weaponry. Weapons: 2 Phasers Shield Rating: 4F 4A 4D 4V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 4AmbassadortpExcaliburLC_Yamaguchi Description: The Sovereign Class captain's yacht, the Cousteau, was a large support craft which normally docked on the ventral side of the saucer section, opposite the bridge, and immediately below the saucer torpedo launcher. When connected to the Enterprise, only the bottom side of the yacht was exposed to space; the top of the craft was concealed by the Enterprise and the warp nacelles were folded against the hull. Upon launch, the Cousteau nacelles folded downward and the entire ship dropped away from the Enterprise. At 33.53 meters in length, the Cousteau was much larger than a standard shuttlecraft. The Cousteau contained a cockpit, a small transporter and cargo area, and a docking port which made a direct connection to the Enterprise-E. It was capable of atmospheric flight and landing on a planetary surface. It could also generate tachyon bursts. Only one pilot was needed to fly the craft. Weapons: x4 Burst Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 20 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 4000 Tactics: The yacht is not designed for direct combat however it is capable of defending itself against weaker enemys. Use the ships speed to evade enemy torpedoes and attack in fast strikes.Description: This Vessel is a variant of the d7, it was designed fir duty against the federation. This ship is for war and olny for war. Weapons: 4 distruptors 1 fore torpedo and 1 aft. 2 Phasers fore. Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Standard Klingon ManueversDescription: Larger Shuttle craft Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: main attack vessel Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Rhode Island class was a refit of the Nova class. It featured a more aerodynamic design due to modifications to the saucer section and the introduction of a new ship armor. Equipped with more advanced phaser arrays and warp engines the Rhode Island class was initially assigned as an interceptor, however it is still more than capable of performing deep space research missions. Starfleet researchers integrated an advanced shield generator to the Rhode Island class which allows for increased shield regeneration. This allows for the Rhode Island to enter into dangerous research situations. Weapons: x8 Medium Phaser Arrays x5 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 100 Photon) Shield Rating: Advanced Regenerative Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 7000 T: 7500 B: 7500 L: 7000 R: 7000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 9000 Tactics: Rhode Island class vessels possess an advanced shield generator which allows for increased regeneration, however the ship is still vulnerable once its shielding has failed. When attacking enemy ships take advantage of its upgraded phaser banks and utilize the vessels speed. Attacking Rhode Island class vessels requires additional skill due to its advanced shielding, as a priority disable the ships shield generator and render the ship vulnerable.Dominion BattleshipDescription: The saucer section of the Galaxy-class starship. This portion is where most of the ships crew, families, and non-Starfleet personnel are evacuated to during an extreme emergency situation in which a saucer separation is needed. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: A booby trap like weapon which is armed with a Photonic charge and capable of causing a large explosion. These devices are also fitted with narrow tractor beams that are capable of pulling vessels towards them. Impacting a hidden core will usually end in disaster. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Starbase220Prometheus DorsalPrometheus VentralDescription: Drenet - FROM BIRTH OF THE FEDEARTION Weapons: 4 Disruptor Cannon, 5 Disruptor Beams, Fore and Aft Torpedo Launchers Special: Cloaking Device Shield Rating: 12F 12A 12D 12V 12P 12S Hull Rating: 6 Tactics: Standard Romulan TacticsDescription: The K'Vort-class is a more advanced and upgraded version of the smaller Bird of Prey. Like the Bird of Prey, it is capable of atmospheric flight and planetary landings. The K'Vort features more weapon mounts then the B'Rel, and therefore requires a slightly larger crew to operate. The added durability and offensive capabilities of the craft make it a bit less maneuverable then the B'Rel. K'Vort-class vessels are primarily used as fast-attack combat vessels and scout ships. Weapons: 4 Forward Disruptor Cannons 2 Torpedo Tubes (1 Forward, 1 Aft; 200 Photons) Shield Rating: F: 7500 A: 4500 T: 4500 B: 4500 L: 4500 R: 4500 Hull Rating: 9000 Tactics: Similar with the Bird of Prey, make use of this ship's cloaking device for hit and run attacks, and never retreat with this ship, Always attack! When battling this ship, try to take out its impulse engines and cloaking device, as this will severely disable the Kvort's combat effectiveness.AegianInert Matter 1Description: The Olympic class stems from a starfleet requirement issued in 2360 for a new class of medical vessel to replace the ageing Nightingale class. The new ship was to improve on the Nightingales in every respect; it would incorporate a complete Starbase level mobile hospital capable of catering for up to 1,000 patients, compared to the Nightingales 560. The warp and impulse drives, computer systems, etc. where also to be up to the latest standards. Weapons: One 360 degree Phaser bank located near the top of the sphear section. One Fore phaser located near the bottom of the sphear section. One aft phaser located at the rear of the ship.Shield Rating: Moderate. Hull Rating: Poor. Tactics: The warp core is very weak.Description: Kimal experimental X frigate Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Inert Matter 3Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: USS PrometheusLC_ZhukovBajorian InterceptorDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Twice the size of a Federation Galaxy Class Starship, and at least 3 times the firepower, the Dominion Battlecruiser is a formidable opponent. Being pretty maneuverable (considering its size) the Dominion Battlecruiser was first encountered by the Cadet crew aboard the USS Valiant, where they tried to defeat the ship, in a miserable attempt at courage and bravery. The Valiant was eventually destroyed, and only 3 people escaped. The Battlecruiser's vast torpedo stock, and Polaron Beams, can cut a ship in half. This ship should be approached with extreme caution. Weapons: 8 Polaron Beams 8 Forward Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 500) X6 Forward Polaron Cannons X2 Forward Polaron Super Cannons Shield Rating: F: 35000 A: 20000 T: 35000 B: 20000 L: 20000 R: 20000 Hull Rating: 45000 Tactics: This ship has its main weapons in the front, and has beam coverage all over the ship. When engaging this ship, avoid the bow of this ship at all costs, as the barrage of firepower is utterly overwhelming, even for a ship of flagship status. Make full use of its slow maneuvarability. When facing enemy ships, target their shields, take them down, then watch as they die in vain with your forward weapons. Remember: Victory is Life.Description: Pneumonic 81's Custom Alita Escort Vessel Weapons: 11 Type XII Phaser Arrays, 2 fore and 1 aft Quantum/Photon Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: 12F 11A 12D 12V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 8 Tactics: Fast shipOutpostDescription: The Danube class runabout became a necessity as Starfleet began to setup more and more deep space stations. These small bases were too small and remote for Starfleet to expend the resources and manpower to assign each one their own full sized starship. Therefor, the runabout was designed in order to give a better Federation presense in remote areas. The Danube class runabout, which has been the mainstay of the runabout fleet for over 40 years now, ressembles a large shuttlecraft. Because of its power output, range, and passenger capacity, it has been officially classified as a starship, and each one has its own registry number, in addition to having names starting with a "USS" prefix. The runabout is made up of three main sections, the cockpit, a central cargo section, and a rear passenger lounge. Weapons: 6 Type VII phasers 3 Forward Torp. Shield Rating: 4F 2A 2D 2V 2P 2S Hull Rating: 3 Tactics: Fast ship but only forward Torpedos .. just hit and run tactics and try take out the enemy imuplse engine to get full effekt of your fast shipNovaThe largest of the Cardassian Facilities, Cardassian Star bases provide support for ships of all types and are typically heavily armed to help defend the sector of space they are in. Weapons: 6 Phasers and 6 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: 8F 8A 8D 8V 8P 8S Hull Rating: 120WorkerBeeCardassian Freighters have weak shields and limited maneuverability. They can effectively move cargo or troops for the Cardassian military. Weapons: None Shield Rating: 2F 2A 2D 2V 2P 2S Hull Rating: 3Description: The Kazon are a technologically defunct civilization. They own a small part of the Delta Quadrant, and are divided up into sects. Their ships are not of their own design, but of the Trabe. They do not have transporters, or food replicators, and have limited phaser weaponry. They are a potentially weak target by themselves, although in packs, they can still bring severe punishment to a Federation Starship. Weapons: 8 Disruptor Beams 2 Torpedo Tubes; 1 Forward, 1 Aft (Stock: 60) Shield Rating: F: 3500 A: 2500 T: 3000 B: 2500 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: 6000 Tactics: This ship is maneuverable, and has good weapons for its size. Stay in close, don't retreat.Description: Federation starship including the fourth starship Enterprise. The prototype ship, the USS Ambassador, bore registry number NCC-10521. Ambassador class ships have included the USS Adelphi, the second USS Excalibur, and the USS Zhukov. It was intended to suggest an intermediate step between the Excelsior-class and the Galaxy-class starships. A battle cruiser of the mid-24th century, it still has formidable weaponry and has undergone multiple weapon upgrades, and was used during the Dominion War. Ambassador class vessels now serve as Federation escorts. Weapons: x10 Medium Phasers x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 5000 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: 14000 Tactics: Ambassador class starships possess sufficient weapons to defend themselves in battle, however they lack heavy shielding which means the vessel cannot withstand too much damage to its shielding. When attacking Ambassador class starships a direct attack is favourable as the ships lack maneuverability and therefore cannot evade torpedo strikes.Description: The Miranda-class starship (such as the USS Reliant, destroyed by the Enterprise-A) was a type of light cruiser introduced by Starfleet in the late 23rd century. The configuration of the Miranda-class shares a similar design lineage and features with the Constitution-class, implemented in 2270. These ships typically performed patrol and survey assignments. Despite the small size, the class performed satisfactorily well into the 24th century, with the oldest members of this class continuing their service lifetimes as transports. Several series of the ships were produced throughout the 23rd and 24th centuries, with many still serving in the fleet through the mid-2370s. These vessels notably served in a large number of engagements during the Dominion War; many were subsequently lost. Weapons: x14 Medium Phaser Arrays x4 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 70 Photon) Shield Rating: LightShield Generator F: 4000 A: 3000 T: 3000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 7500 Tactics: Engage enemy ships with the support of other vessels whenever possible. While the Miranda class is somewhat outdated it is still capable of defending itself against weaker vessels. Rotate through its phasers and keep your distance to decrease torpedo impacts. When attacking the Miranda class, several torpedo volleys to hits hull should be sufficient to deal considerable damage.TamarianDescription: A Suttle around the size of a Danube-class runabout. The shuttle is equipped with a cloaking device and 2 weak disruptor cannons. The shuttle is easily destroyed and can't deal much damage. Weapons: x1 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: Mini Shield Generator F: 1400 A: 750 T: 750 B: 750 L: 750 R: 750 Hull Rating: Light Hull 1000 Tactics: Use when your ship is about to be destroyed, and try to transport to another ship ASAPDryDockRepairUnknown Debris 3Description: Heavily armed, the design philosophy for the Sovereign class was shaped by the discovery of the Borg. The Sovereign Project attempted to push the envelope as far as possible when it came to computer power, shields, armament, and systems capabilities. The Sovereign class starship combined the creature comforts associated with the larger Galaxy-class vessels with the tactical power of the new Prometheus-class. The vessel included some of Starfleet's most recent technological advances. Primary amongst these was a large quantum torpedo launcher mounted forward of the deflector dish above the Captain's yacht, which was capable of firing at least four rounds per second. Backup to the quantum torpedoes was provided by photon tubes; four of these were located at the base of the engineering section in pairs which face forward and aft. These launchers can fire up to 12 torpedoes at a time. The warp engines of the Sovereigns were of a new design which eliminated subspace distortion effects inherent to standard warp drives without the use of variable geometry nacelles. One of the Sovereign class' first major engagements came in 2373, when the USS Enterprise saw action in the Borg incursion into Sector 001, and was instrumental in the destruction of the attacking cube. Shortly after the resolution of the Dominion War, a refitting of the Sovereign class took place. These included three extra aft facing torpedo tubes, along with one more forward facing tube; a twin launcher aft of the bridge, single launchers above the aft hangar deck, and at the base of the forward bridge terracing. Additionally, four extra phaser arrays were added to the nacelle pylons to cover an existing blind spot. The Enterprise was able to deploy these new systems in 2379 when it faced the Reman Scimitar in the Bassen Rift. Weapons: x11 Advanced Burst Phaser Arrays x6 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 250 Photon) x1 Replicating Torpedo Tube (Complement Quantum) Shield Rating: Regenerative Shield Generator F: 14000 A: 14000 T: 14000 B: 14000 L: 14000 R: 14000 Hull Rating: Heavy Ablative Armor Plating 30000 Tactics: Attack enemy ships by concentrating its burst phasers and deploying its rapid firing photon and quantum torpedoes. When attacking the Sovereign it is advisable to do so as part of a dual attack force to divert the ships weapons. Disabling the Sovereigns shields would leave the ship vulverable allowing its weapon systems to be disabled.JunkShrikeEximiusDescription: First Warp5 Capable Star Fleet Vessel Weapons: Phaser Cannon and Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: Polarized Hull 4F 4A 4D 4V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 3 Tactics: Boldly Go...SabreDescription: The Saber class was part of Starfleets modernization programme of the 2340's. They were designed to be a frigate counterpart to the Steamrunner class starship; much smaller, easier to build and hence considerably more numerous. The designers brought in many measures to ensure that the Saber class would be easy to build; like the much earlier Oberth class science vessels the Saber's design is highly modular in nature, allowing ten thousand ton sections to be constructed in small shipyards before final assembly in a larger facility. One requirement was for the Saber's to have a science and exploration capacity equal to 85% that of a Steamrunner class along with equal cruise and maximum speeds - a measure intended to allow the vessels to work together in co-ordinated operations. Weapons: 3 Ph 1 Torp Shield Rating: 13f 8a 8d 8v 8p 8s Hull Rating: 5 Tactics: The Saber is powerful for her size, and maneuverable. Use this maneuverability to keep the rear , unarmed flank of the ship out of harm's way.Sovereign Yacht WarpGeronimoKaremman TransportUSS Geronimo Akira Class Under the command of Captain Gregory McCray. Ships of the Akira class are highly maneuverable and have superior shield strength for their small size. The Akira can fire both photon and quantum torpedoes. Weapons: 8 Phasers and 6 Torpedoes Shield Rating: 17F 11A 11D 11V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 11Description: The Karemman Transport vehicle is a slow moving, underpowered starship used by the Karemman people, members of the Dominion in the Gamma Quadrant. It's only purpose is for trade negotiations, and business dealings, and general transport. It is in no way meant for combat, although it does contain some limited weaponry, mainly Polaron Beams. Weapons: 3 Polaron Beams 1 Forward Polaron Torpedo Tube (Stock: 150) Shield Rating: F: 8000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: 8000 Tactics: This ship is meant for trade, commerce, and general transport. It is not meant for combat although it does have a limited supply of weapons, provided by the Jem'Hadar. Use caution, and initiate evasive maneuvers when encountering resistance.Stellar DebrisDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The X-303 was the first built Earth vessel capable of interstellar travel, originally equipped with a Naquadria generator. This however proved to unstable and was later replaced with an Asguard Hyperdrive. Prometheus was also fitted with Asguard Shield and Transporter technology. Weapons: Rail Guns, A2A Missiles Shield Rating: 15F, 15A, 15D, 15V, 15P, 15S Hull Rating: 30 Tactics: NoneUnknown Debris 1KTingaMiradornDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Klingon ShuttleAn asteroid is a celestial body with a diameter that can be as large as a hundred kilometers.OlympicK'VortDescription: The Peregrine class was a type of shuttlecraft, originally employed as a courier by the Federation. The Maquis appropriated several Peregrine class ships and used them as attack fighters by during their insurrection against the Cardassians. Starfleet used them during the Dominion War. In one instance, during Operation Return, several Peregrine class fighters were sent to attack the Cardassian ships of a Dominion fleet. It was hoped they would anger the Cardassians enough for them to break formation and go after the fighters, thus opening a hole in their lines. Weapons: x2 Light Phaser Arrays x1 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 10 Photon) x2 Pulse Phaser Cannons Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 3000 A: 3000 T: 3000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 3000 Tactics: Maximise the ships impulse engines and deliver fast attacks as a squadron in order to increase successful attacks. Reduce power to phasers in order to increase the amount of pulse fire available when engaging larger ships and increase phaser power when engaging faster vessels. When attacking the Peregrine class, disable its engines as a top priority.USS FarragutNebulaXDescription: The Saber class of Federation starship was first introduced in the late 24th century designed as part of a Borg offensive program, and was in full service by 2373. The ship featured a design more compact than other Starfleet vessels, and was fairly well armed despite its small size; the class has featured prominently in the Battle of Sector 001 against the Borg and in the Dominion War. Saber class vessels are designed to be purely combat orientated and possess few crew facilities. Weapons: x6 Medium Phaser Arrays x3 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 70 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 7000 A: 6000 T: 6000 B: 6000 L: 6000 R: 6000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 8000 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high speeds and continue to rotate through all phasers while continuing to evade incomming torpedoes. Disable the Sabers impulse engines and deliver torpedo strikes.Description: The type-9 shuttlecraft (or Class-2 shuttlecraft) was an auxiliary vehicle used by Starfleet, designed for use as an embarked craft from starships and outposts. A standard Starfleet issue type-9 shuttlecraft was 8.5 meters in length, had a hull composed of tritanium alloy and had a maximum speed of warp 4. However, as employed by the crew of USS Voyager, the type-9 was capable of high-warp engine performance, reaching significantly past warp 9, in 2372, upon the utilization a newly discovered form of dilithium that could remain stable at a much higher warp frequency. As with other Starfleet shuttles of the era, this vessel are typically outfitted with phasers and other weapon systems of various designs, although concurrent shuttle designs, such as the type-6 shuttlecraft, were only armed on a mission-specific basis. Weapons: x4 Light Phaser Arrays x1 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 10 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 2000 A: 1200 T: 1200 B: 1200 L: 1200 R: 1200 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 1500 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high speeds to evade enemy fire. The shuttle is not designed to engage in combat situations so its advisable to seek methods of hiding from enemy sensors whenever possible.USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Sovereign Class Under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The latest in a long line of vessels to bear the name in service first of the United Earth and then of the United Federation of Planets. Weapons: 8 Phasers and 6 Torpedoes Shield Rating: 21F 14A 21D 21V 14P 14S Hull Rating: 16Description: The Venator is one of the newest ship designs to come from the ship design yards at Romulus. A battleship intended to compliment the mighty Romulan Warbird, the Venator is slightly smaller, yet is equipped with longer-range disruptors.The Venator uses the same hull, shield, impulse and warp technology as the D'Deridex, and is slightly faster yet weaker. Weapons: x4 Disruptor Cannons x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 600 Light Plasma) x1 Disruptor Banks Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 9000 A: 7000 T: 7000 B: 7000 L: 7000 R: 7500 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 17500 Tactics: The Venator is lacking in aft weapons, so keep enemies in front of you at all times, if that proved difficult, use the cloak to get behind them. If attacking, keep on the Venator's rear.An asteroid is a celestial body with a diameter that can be as large as a hundred kilometers.IKS NeghvarExcelsiorDescription: The lack of shields and relatively limited armament on this ship suggest that the sphere is some form of science vessel, perhaps with a scouting or courier role also. Given the nature of the Borg, it is likely that they could easily equip this vessel with heavier armament and the statistics above reflect Starfleet projections of a spheres potential combat capability. Weapons: 14x phasers (Mk1) 6x borp torpedo tubes (400 Borg Mk2) Shield Rating: no shields Hull Rating: 56 Tactics: Use the strong weapons to disable as many enemies as possible only destroy their sensors or weapons, you can finish the rest later. The ship can regenerate very fast to try to don't give up even when the ship is hardly damaged.Description: After the end of the Dominion War the D'Deridex Class did not fare especially well in the war despite her great size and power. Instead many predicted that the Romulans would move toward smaller, more sophisticated vessels in the future. The result was the Norexan Class warbird that was launched in 2378. She is the most advance ship in the Romulan Fleet although it would seem from early indications that she is not as powerful as a Sovereign Class starship. Like her predecessor the D'Deridex Class she is equipped with a quantum singularity as a power source and an upgraded cloaking device. However, the Norexan Class cloaking system has been improved and is undetectable using tachyon or an anti-proton scan. The warbird however like her predecessors cannot fire when cloaked. Unlike the D'Deridex Class the Norexan Class is highly manageable and this has never been seen in a Romulan vessel before. For defence she is equipped with several banks of disruptors, plasma torpedo launchers, and strong shields. Only a few Norexan Class warbirds have been constructed. As a result they are assigned to high ranking military officers or those in favour with the Romulan Senate. Encounters with this class has been limited as a result. Although the technologies from this class was used to refit existing D'Deridex Class warbirds and later used in developing the Reman warbird Scimitar. Starfleet did not encounter this class until 2379. The U.S.S. Enterprise encountered two Romulan warbirds under the command of Commander Denatra that assisted the U.S.S. Enterprise in the fight against Praetor Shinzon's Scimitar. However both Romulan vessels were easily disabled by the Reman warbird Scimitar. Weapons: x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 200 Light Plasma) x6 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 8200 A: 7200 T: 7200 B: 7200 L: 7200 R: 7200 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 18000 Tactics: Norexan Class warbirds are faster and more agile then D'Deridex Class Warbirds, and are well suited to fore attacks. Use the cloak wisely and try to make many attack runs. As with the D'Deridex Class, the rear and sides are vulnerable to attack.Federation Freighters have weak shields and limited maneuverability. They can effectively move cargo or troops for the Federation military. Weapons: None Shield Rating: 3F 3A 3D 3V 3P 3S Hull Rating: 4BiranuStationLC_ZhukovtpCheyenneDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: SovereignDescription: The Cheyenne-class starship was a type of vessel in service with Starfleet in the late 24th Century. Cheyenne class ships are composed of a single hull, resembling that of the Galaxy class on a smaller scale; from this, two pylons resembling Galaxy class necks rise from the aft end of the saucer, one on the dorsal side and one on the ventral, each supporting a boomerang-shaped plane with a warp engine nacelle at each tip, for a total of four warp engines. The Cheyenne Class USS Ahwahnee was left adrift by the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359. It was later repaired and joined Captain Picard's task force which blockaded the Klingon-Romulan border during the Klingon Civil War in early 2368. Weapons: x8 Heavy Phaser Arrays x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 200 Photon) Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 10000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 12000 Tactics: Take advantage of the wide phaser coverage and disable enemy impulse drive to maximise torpedo impacts, especially due to the limited torpedo tubes available. When attacking the Cheyenne class it is best to disable its shield generator as a priority and then continue to take out its sensor array.Federation Outposts serve as supply stations in remote sectors of Federation held territory. They can also provide early warning in the event of an attack. Weapons: 8 Phasers Shield Rating: 9F 9A 9D 9V 9P 9S Hull Rating: 35Description: A Klingon vessel originaly designed over 100 years ago. The venerable design has been kept in use through extensve refits and modifications. Weapons: 1 disruptor beam. 2 disruptor cannons. 2 torpedo launchers Shield Rating: 9F 6A 5D 5V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 9.0 Tactics: Try to keep the front of the ship towards the enemy at all costs.The Peregrine is a search and rescue variant of the Nebula. The ship is configured with the science module instead of the torpedo module. The ship is ideally suited for towing ships and other special operations. Weapons: 8 Phasers Special: Powerful Tractor Beams Shield Rating: 12F 8A 8D 8V 8P 8S Hull Rating: 12 Tactics: Rotate through the various phaser and shield arcs to take advantage of the higher recharge rate and wide arcs. Maximize speed to avoid torpedoes and pulse weapons.Description: The Danube class runabout is a recently new design to resemble an enlarged shuttlecraft. It is generally used for relatively short-range interstellar travel, but is warp capable. They have a cockpit that incorporated a short range two-person transporter. The midsection was a detachable module which could be used for different missions. It is equipped with 12 Photon Torpedoes, and 6 phaser banks, providing excellent defense for a craft of that size. Weapons: 6 Light Phaser Arrays 2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 12 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 1200 A: 1000 T: 1000 B: 1000 L: 1000 R: 1000 Hull Rating: Light Hull Armor 2000 Tactics: As would be expected, a vessel of this size does not pose a great threat when isolated. However, in packs of three or more, or supporting larger starships, they can prove effective as combat support vessels. When attacking Danube Class vessels, a successful torpedo strike should be enough to knock out its shield vector allowing phasers to destroy the hull.Description: The Intrepid-class starship began construction in 2370 as a light battle cruiser, intended to include speed and maneuverability, specifically to evade plasma storm activity in the Badlands. Intrepid-class starships are 15 decks thick, and have a standard crew complement of about 140, and a sustainable cruising velocity of about warp 9.975. The prototype ship, the USS Intrepid, was the third starship to bear the name. The USS Voyager, swept into the Delta Quadrant in 2371 from the Badlands, was also an Intrepid-class vessel. These ships have extremely efficient systems, due to the brand new bio-neural gel packs installed, which were designed for maximum computer response time and efficiency, and was to replace standard isolinear circuits on later Federation starships developed. Weapons: x13 Medium Phaser Arrays x4 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 100 Photon) Shield Rating: Medium Shield Generator F: 8000 A: 7000 T: 7500 B: 7000 L: 7000 R: 7000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 11000 Tactics: Take advantage of the ships high speeds and maneuverability when engaging enemy ships. Continually rotate the vessel to maintain phaser coverage and prevent torpedo impacts to a single shield vector. When attacking Intrepid class vessels your primary target should be to disable its impulse engines.The Dry Dock is designed for making repairs and doing system refits while in orbit of a planet. Dry Docks can be moved to perform repairs in remote locations when local facilities are unable to provide adequate services. Weapons: None Shield Rating: 6F 6A 6D 6V 6P 6S Hull Rating: 20 Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Faced with both the Cardassian Hutets and the Jem'Hadar Super Cruisers the Federation needed a hard-hitting heavy cruiser that was easier to make than the Sovereign-Class. Starfleet specified a long-range, multi-purpose, heavy cruiser that could penetrate Dominion defenses and strike Strategic installations with little or no escort. The Achilles' exceptional low profile, quickness and armament could pit it against fighter class vessels, heavy cruisers, and small defended installations, specifically K-W production facilities. With the introduction of the Mini-Quantum Torpedo Phalanx weapons systems the Achilles-Class could cripple enemy warships while maintaining target on an enemy objective. Weapons: x11 Medium Phaser Arrays x4 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 550 Photon, 300 Quantum) x8 Pulse Phaser Cannon Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 11000 A: 11000 T: 11000 B: 11000 L: 11000 R: 11000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 22000 Tactics: Take advantage of the additional weapon systems when engaging enemy ships. Utilize its phaser cannons and continually rotate through the available phaser arrays. When attacking the Achilles class its advisable to destroy its impulse drive, preventing it from gaining accurate weapon locks.PhoenixDescription: This ship is the staple of the Dominion Forces. It is a highly maneuverable attack fighter, which has powerful weapons, including Polaron weapons, which proved to be utterly superior to Federation Phasers, and could penetrate shields. They are also highly maneuverable, and usually come in packs of 3 or more, called "wings". This provides a strong defense, and a devastating attack, to compensate for their weak shields and hull. Weapons: 1 Polaron Beam X2 Forward Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 60; Polaron Torpedoes) Shield Rating: F: 3000 A: 500 T: 2000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: 1800 Tactics: Since this ship specializes in group effort for strength, it is normally advised to be in packs of 3 or more fighters. In the case that you are engaging an enemy ship alone, never retreat with this ship, since it's hull and shields are its weak point, Remember: Victory is Life.UnknownLC_ValdemartpUnknown Debris 12StationGalaxyD7 VariantDanube RunaboutDescription: This is the small merchantship that gets blown away by the Klingon BoP in ST III - The Search for Spock Weapons: Torpedos: 1f 1a Phasers: 1f 1a 1d 1v Shield Rating: 2.5k Hull Rating: 2.5k Tactics: This is a 65m ship built for trade, so don't expect to destroy a cruiser (or even a destroyer) with it. Altough it can be deadly in packs of 4 or 5 due to its high acceleration and maneuverabilityUnknown Debris 10motherThe Kessok Mine is an automated torpedo launcher that fires the powerful positron torpedo. Weapons: 1 Torpedo Special: Cloaking Device Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: 4The RanKuf is a more powerful version of the Bird of Prey but the configuration is essentially identical. It is maneuverable and can cloak. The shield strength is high for a ship of this size but there little space wasted on crew accommodations. Weapons: 2 Disruptor Cannons and 1 Torpedo Special: Cloaking Device Shield Rating: 16F 9A 9D 9V 9P 9S Hull Rating: 7Unknown ObjectType9EnterpriseVenatorDescription: The Work Bee is a single-occupant vehicle with seating for one pilot only. Generally, the pilot must be space suited, especially if the pilot is planning extravehicular activity. The front of the Work Bee features several large windows. The craft also has a large headlight at its extreme forward end for illuminating a work area. As the Work Bee is primarily a maintenance craft, it can be equipped with a variety of tools, including dual remote manipulator arms. The Work Bee can also serve as a tug for cargo modules. The Work Bee can operate both in the vacuum of space and within the atmospheric and gravitational conditions of a starship cargo bay or planetary surface. A recent breakthrough in welding technology has allowed worker bees to be fitted with repair beams, which are able to weld together hull platings and can also be configured to recharge shield vectors. When repairing allied ships it may be useful to lower the shields of the damaged ship in order to repair the hull. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: NorexanFederation FreighterDescription: A horrible weapon of genocide created by the Krenim scientist Annorax, the Krenim Weapon ship was responsible for the erasure of possibly thousands of species throughout the Delta Quadrant. It was finally destroyed in a collision with Voyager, which ruptured its temporal core. The resulting temporal incursion restored the preferred timeline, with Voyager avoiding Krenim space altogether. Weapons: 1 Temporal Incursion Beam, 18 Disruptors, 6 Chronaton Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 9 Fore, 9 Aft, 9 Dorsal, 9 Ventral, 9 Port, 9 Starboard also Temporal Shielding Hull Rating: 8 Tactics: Most of the weapons are concentrated in front of the vessel. Try to catch the target in the Temporal Incursion Beam and use the Chronaton Torpedoes when the target is to port or starboard.Description: Although the Galaxy class was the Federation's premier battleship, technological advances brought on by the Dominion and Borg conflicts have left the Galaxy class to be superceded by the Akira class in terms of combat capability. Next to the Sovereign class, the Galaxy class is meant to be the Federation's most capable frontline ship, so Starfleet has begun a refit program.. The new Galaxy II class features improved power output, improved phaser power, and improved shielding. The Galaxy II class also features the slower, but more powerful, advanced photon torpedo, along with added torpedo launcher armor. Starfleet is keeping the refit program classified, so it is unknown how many or which ships have this new configuration. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: The new strength of the Galaxy II lies in the advanced photon torpedo. The faster your speed, the faster your torpedoes travel. To increase torpedo accuracy, try to be as close to your target as possible at the fastest possible speed. A direct hit with a quad launch is very deadly. Use standard torpedoes for smaller and more maneuverable targets.Description: The Borg Cube is the primary ship used by the collective. A colossal ship, it features several high power energy weapons, and has the ability to regenerate or repair itself after battle damage, almost instantaneously, including direct phaser hits. The first Borg Cube was encountered in 2365, by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D. They reported the ship as having no specific bridge, engineering, or living quarters. They also detected no life signs at first, although an away team proved that this assumption was incorrect, as the Borg would collectively, as a single mind. The Cube is also the primary ship used in the assimilation of thousands of species into the Borg Collective. It also has the ability to traverse great distances, faster than any speed achieved by Federation starships, through transwarp drive. It also has the ability to launch a Borg sphere, in a case of extreme emergency. Weapons: 16 Disruptor Beams 8 Cutting Beams 1 Slicing Beam 1 Graviton Beam 6 Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 400000) 3 High Energy Disruptor Pulse Cannons Shield Rating: F: 100000 A: 100000 T: 100000 B: 100000 L: 100000 R: 100000 Hull Rating: 100000 Tactics: Basically one function with this ship: destroy. There's no point in retreat, since this ship's weaponry is more than capable of destroying (or assimilating) fleets of starships. When engaging a Borg Cube it is advisable to disable its weapon systems or impulse, however you will need to disable its shield grid first.Description: The stardrive section of the Galaxy-class starship. This portion is where command and tactical officers stay behind in extreme emergency situations in which a saucer separation is needed. This portion also contains the ship's main engineering and warp drive systems. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: RanKufKessok MineNX-01 EnterpriseDescription: The Cardassian Hybrid is Galor-Class modified with Kessok technology. It is equipped with a normal Cardassian compressors, Kessok Disruptor Beams, a Kessok Pulse Disruptor and antimatter torpedo. This hybrid of technology produced a deadly ship. Made when Matan and his rouge group of Cardassians formed an alliance with the Kessok. Very few of these were made, as the alliance between Matan and the Kessok was broken when the USS Sovereign, aided by the Enterprise E, revealed to the Kessok that Matan was using the Kessok's solar formers as devastating weapons. Weapons: x6 Disruptor Banks x1 Compressor Bank x3 Torpedo Tube (Complement 200 Antimatter) x1 Disruptor Cannon Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 12000 A: 3000 T: 12000 B: 3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 11000 Tactics: Use the powerful weapons to your advantage, rotate arcs for maximum destruction. It attacking this ship, try and stay around its aft area, and destroy its sensor array to remove the main threatValkyrieDescription: The Centaur is a highly maneuverable ship built from spare parts of other ship classes. Weapons: 7 x Type VII Phaser banks 3 x 2nd Class Torpedo Tubes (80 Photon Torpedoes, 4 Subspace Torpedoes) Shield Rating: 10F 5A 7D 7V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 11 Tactics: Use the Centaur's maneuverability to your advantage to rotate through the shields and phaser banks. Remember the subspace torpedoes to knock a tough opponent down.LC_GandhiLC_AdelphitpAmagonDescription: It is a prototype of a long range tactical vessel, equipped with regenative shields, ablative hull armour, and multi- vector assault mode, which gives the ship a major advantage in ship-to-ship battles. Weapons: 12 Type XII Phasers, 2 Quantum Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 12k Hull Rating: 15k Tactics: Use the Phasers and the Speed of the ship to turn out Slower ShipsDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: DrenetDescription: Advanced shuttlecraft designed and built by the crew of the USS Voyager in early 2375. It features ultra-aerodynamic contours, retractable nacelles, parametallic hull plating, a tetraburnium alloy hull, unimatrix shielding, and Borg-inspired weapons systems including Photonic missiles. The ship also employed duranium construction in its hull. Thomas Paris, who was responsible for the basic design of the shuttlecraft, incorporated ancient control levers and meters into the Delta Flyer's pilot control console because he wanted to 'feel' the ship he was flying. Weapons: Light Phaser Array x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 20 Photon) Shield Rating: Regenerative Shield Generator F: 3000 A: 2500 T: 2500 B: 2500 L: 2500 R: 2500 Hull Rating: Light Armor Plating 2000 Tactics: The Deltaflyers main advantage is its extreme maneuverability, use this to evade incomming torpedoes and to stay out of enemy ship phaser coverage. When attacking the Deltaflyer it is an advantage to lock the vessel into a tractor beam and disable the vessel with phasers.Description: The Kessok are a mystery as far as the Federation is concerned. The Intelligence reports are sketchy at best. We do have some knowledge, as they were in league for a time with the Cardassians, after the Dominion War. They do have powerful positron based weapons, and there shields are fairly good. Weapons: 8 Positron Beams 2 Positron Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 260) Shield Rating: F: 8500 A: 5000 T: 20000 B: 2500 L: 5000 R: 5000 Hull Rating: 18000 Tactics: This ship is slow, but has good weapons. Make use of its positron torpedoes, and fire them at close range, since they are slow projectiles.Description: The Dominion Battlecruiser provides the Dominion with a much stronger ship as opposed to the aging attack fighter. Equipped with Polaron Beams and Cannons, it can deliver quite a punch to a ship. About the same size as a Galaxy Class Starship, this ship is at match with it. Several of these were used in the takeover of Deep Space Nine, in late 2373. Weapons: 14 Polaron Beams X6 Polaron Pulse Cannons (4 Forward, 2 Aft) Shield Rating: F: 12500 A: 7500 T: 12500 B: 7500 L: 10000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: 25000 Tactics: This ship is slow, but has a powerful weapons array. It has full coverage on all sides, so there is no use in try to outmaneuver, or get out of range of their Polaron Beams, as they will most likely get you anyways. Try to go for their Ventral side, as that is its weak point. Make full use of its Polaron Beams, to cut your enemy ship's hull. Remember: Victory is Life.Planet Fragment 3Breen WarshipWarbirdMerchant FreighterDescription: The Fek'Lhr was named after the Mythical Klingon beast and guardian of Gre'Thor Weapons: Death Chant:battle cry echoing in the halls of aship stirs the blood of even the weakest Klingon Repulsion Wave:the original prototype foe the Shockwave,this weapon propels a ship in a direction,damaging it and disabling its engines Ion Storm:after multiple failed attempts,the deadly Ionic Nebulae from deep space Energy Dissipator:the Fek'Lhr is most effective when its opponents cannot fire back,this weapon drains the energy''RENDERING THEIR SPECIAL WEAPONS USELESS'' Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: ProbeDescription: Approximately twice as long as a Federation Galaxy class, the Dominion Battleship features devastating weaponry, as well as powerful shields and armor. The prototype vessel was attacked by the USS Valiant in an attempt to rupture its antimatter pod support braces. The attempt failed, however, with the resulting destruction of the Valiant. Weapons: 2 Heavy Duty Polaron Cannons, 12 Polaron Beam Emitters, 9 Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 27 Fore, 20 Aft, 22 Dorsal, 22 Ventral, 20 Port, 20 Starboard Hull Rating: 40 Tactics: Try to keep the target in front of the vessel where the most powerful weapons are. Use brute force to overwhelm your opponents.Description: A typical Romulan outpost which is used for technological research and sector defense. Romulan outposts possess many weapon systems and are extremley dangerous. Weapons: x13 Heavy Disruptor Beams x20 Disruptor Cannon x2 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 3000 Light Plasma) Shield Rating: F: 50000 A: 50000 T: 50000 B: 50000 L: 50000 R: 50000 Hull Rating: 300000 Tactics: Attack the outpost in force and avoid its cannon fire when possible.Danube mark IIntrepidDescription: Sh'Ran Attack Cruiser -- Warp 7 capable cruiser following the axial hull ring nacelle design. Typical cruiser assigned to perform "Watchdog" duty over NX-01. Weapons: 4 Torpedo Tubes 1 Phaser Shield Rating: 4F 4A 4D 4V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 4.5 Tactics: Use a Federation tactic on the enemy, after all, who do you think taught the Federation how to fight???Raider1Description: Klingon Flagship Weapons: Secret Shield Rating: Secret Hull Rating: Secret Tactics: Don't even try to engage this one without a fleet on your site! Planet Fragment 8Description: Dubbed "The Great Experiment", the first Excelsior-class vessel was launched in 2285 as a test-bed for the unsuccessful Transwarp drive development project. The ship, later refitted with a standard warp drive, became the prototype for the numerous Excelsior-class starships built over the next several decades. By the 24th century, these ships were still in heavy use for virtually any mission, whether it be, scientific, diplomatic, or offensive missions, the Excelsior-class is definitely a popular ship in Starfleet. Weapons: x22 Medium Phaser Arrays x4Torpedo Tubes (Complement 150 Photon) Shield Rating: Light Shield Generator F: 4000 A: 3000 T: 3000 B:3000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: Medium Armor Plating 9000 Tactics: Take advantage of the number of phaser arrays on board Excelsior-class vessels when attacking enemy ships. When attacking Excelsior class vessels its wise to disable its shields as a priority, however do not under-estimate these class of ships.Description: In 2292 the Federation Council ordered the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to construct new ships to supplement the force assigned to patrol the Klingon border. The result was the Challenger Class. In 2293 the USS Challenger was built at the new Utopia Planitia Shipyards in orbit around Mars and the NCC-2713 USS Churchill follow 6 months later. Weapons: 12 x Type VII Phaser banks 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (200 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 11F 10A 10D 10V 10P 10S Hull Rating: 10 Tactics: The ship is a very late TMP design and is a heavy patrol cruiser. The ship has not the weapon power of other ship of that time but it's faster and has a very good combat manoeuvrability. Also Starfleet equipped the new class with the phasercannon prototypes ... a very strong short range weapon.Planet Fragment 5Prometheus SaucerGalaxy SaucerDescription: The Kessok are a mystery as far as the Federation is concerned. The Intelligence reports are sketchy at best. We do have some knowledge, as they were in league for a time with the Cardassians, after the Dominion War. They do have powerful positron based weapons, and there shields are fairly good. The Light Cruiser is a more maneuverable ship, good in packs of 2. Weapons: 8 Positron Beams 1 Positron Torpedo Tube (Stock: 150) Shield Rating: F: 6000 A: 3000 T: 20000 B: 12000 L: 3000 R: 3000 Hull Rating: 7000 Tactics: This ship is more maneuverable, but has about the same weaponry as the Heavy Cruiser. It's Shields aren't as strong, but its maneuverability makes up for that, making this the ship of choice among the Kessok.Description: The Borg Queen Ship is the most highly specialized ship in the Borg Collective, as it holds the so-called "lair" of the Borg Queen. It is also symmetrical in form, with a diamond shape that houses a spherical inner chamber. Normally docked within the enormous complex known as Unimatrix One, this ship provides the queen with a heavily shielded base, from where she can choreograph the thoughts and actions of the entire collective. Weapons: 6 Disruptor Beams 3 Torpedo Tubes (Stock: 2000) 3 Borg Pulse Torpedo Cannons Shield Rating: F: 10000 A: 10000 T: 10000 B: 10000 L: 10000 R: 10000 Hull Rating: 20000 Tactics: This ship is well guarded, and when escorted by other Borg ships, provides the Queen with an almost impenetrable defense. Use the ships disruptor beams to disable the shields of vessels and continually fire graviton pulse weapons which provide continuous low damage impacts.Matan KeldonDescription: an advanced ship, built off the prometheus prototype.Capable of utilising a wide range of torpedos and with considrable armament and armour. Weapons: 4 pulse phasers 9 phasers 8 torpedo tubes Shield Rating: fore:22500 rear:10000 dorsal:26000 Ventral:23000 Flanks:14000 Hull Rating: 42000 Tactics: unload full firepower as fast as possible, it may not stay intact for longBajoran AssaultPlanet Fragment 4CentaurHidekiTal'goranBird Of PreyBioshipDescription: Valkyrie Class ship Exsparamental Impulse/Warp engines Weapons: Multi Phase Phasers Quantum Torpedos Resonance Cascade Torpedos Shield Rating: Type XLe high Recharge Emitters Hull Rating: Hybrid Durtaniumn BioGenic Ablative Armor Tactics: using High Speed passes with its main Tropedo complament.Description: Thirty years in development, Enterprise was the first Human-built vessel capable of reaching warp factor 5. Under the command of Captain Archer, it conducted many exploratory missions in star systems near to Sol. Weapons: 3 x Phase cannon 4x Phase disrupers 6 x Torpedo tubes (40 spatial torps) Shield Rating: N/A only a polarized hull (ca. 3) Hull Rating: 4 Tactics: The ship is very old and slow. Your only chances are tactic and the spatial torps. Keep in mind you only have 40 of them ... USE THE WISELY. The ship has no real shields and the polarized hull can't take much damage. Try to use the warp engine to play hide and seek... in most battles this will be you only chance. Also the sensors need lots of the power reduce them to save it if nessesary but then you will not be able to can the enemy any more!PraetorDescription: The Breen Warship is definitely a mysterious ship, asymmetrical in design, and with interesting hull fragments. They are a mysterious race, and Starfleet's intelligence reports on them by late 2375 were "sketchy at best", at least until the Dominion War. The Breen, being a politically non-aligned government, allied themselves with the Dominion in late 2375. Being that they're specialty is in the weapons department, they provided the Dominion with powerful reinforcements. They are equipped with standard photon torpedoes, but carry an energy dampening weapon, which disrupts all vital systems on enemy ships. This was proved useful in the retake of the Chin'toka system in late 2375. The Breen Energy Dampening weapon was proven useless, when Starfleet found a counter-measure to this weapon. Weapons: Pulse Fire Torpedoes Energy Dampening Weapon (Stock: 5 Torpedoes) Shield Rating: F: 8000 A: 3500 T: 3500 B: 3500 L: 3500 R: 3500 Hull Rating: 11000 Tactics: This ship has powerful weapons, including the Energy Dissipators. However, the Klingons did find a way to counter-act the effects of the weapon. Therefore Beware! This ship's shields and hull are weak, and so the Breen are highly maneuverable to compensate.Cardassian FreighterDescription: The emergence of the massive D'deridex-class Warbird in 2364, during an encounter with the USS Enterprise-D on the edge of the Neutral Zone, signalled the end of a fifty-three year Romulan isolation. (TNG: "The Neutral Zone", et al.) Over the next ten years, these Warbirds would participate in numerous encounters with Starfleet. By 2374, they were also prominently featured in the Dominion War, where they were instrumental in forcing the Dominion fleets back time and again. The class saw action during the First and Second Battles of Chin'toka and the final showdown of the conflict, the Battle of Cardassia. Despite their power, many ships of the class were destroyed by the Dominion, including the flagship, the D'ridthau. The D'deridex-class Warbird was one of the most advanced vessels in the Romulan Star Empire. Warbirds are roughly twice as long as a Federation Galaxy-class starship, with an advantage in fire power, but a lower maximum speed and less combat manoeuvrability. The primary emitter of a Warbird in located at its forward disruptor array, which also appears to be shared with a plasma torpedo launcher. Two additional disruptor arrays are located, one each, along the top of the upper "neck" support and one along the bottom of the lower "neck" support. Like earlier Romulan ships, D'deridex-class Warbirds were equipped with cloaking devices, which protect them from detection in most evasive situations. However, cloaked Warbirds radiate a slight subspace variance at warp speeds, therefore ships travelling at speeds above warp 6 run a much greater risk of being detected through their cloak Weapons: x5 Disruptor Banks x5 Torpedo Tubes (Complement 500 Light Plasma, 200 Advanced Plasma) x5 Disruptor Cannons Shield Rating: Heavy Shield Generator F: 12000 A: 8000 T: 8000 B: 8000 L: 8000 R: 8000 Hull Rating: Heavy Armor Plating 24000 Tactics: Try to keep the enemies in front of you at all times, increasing power to engines to increase agility. Use light plasma torpedoes against faster vessels but use advanced plasma carefully as they are very strong but inaccurate. When attacking a D'deridex, keep away from the front and take out the cloak first, then take out the shields and hull.HutetCommunications ArrayUSS StargazerDescription: A deadly weapon which contains a photonic detonation charge. Mines are often used to clear asteroid fields but are also dangerous weapons. A mine explosion can be devastating so it is wise to steer clear at all costs. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: None Hull Rating: Thin Armor Plating Tactics: After the launch of a mine, get to a safe disatance of approximatly 50km or more and then fire after torpedoes to destroy the mines. Used effectively mines can be strategic ways of destroying slower ships.No TargetDescription: The Galor Destroyer was made by the government of the Cardassian Union as a powerful counter measure against foe such as the Federation and the Klingons. Being compared to a fish in design, it certainly has bite. With it's spiral wave disruptors in concert with the Photon Torpedoes, it can deliver a powerful blow when used right. Several of these ships were used during the war between the Cardassians and the Federation in the late 2350s to early 2360s. When the threat of the Dominion increased exponentially when the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion, they were used on a much larger scale. Weapons: 5 Spiral-Wave Disruptor Beams Photon Torpedoes (Stock: 200) Shield Rating: F: 5000 A: 4000 T: 4000 B: 4000 L: 4000 R: 4000 Hull Rating: 8000 Tactics: Certainly not the most powerful ship, it should be used in packs of 2 or even 3, to ensure maximum efficiency in battles. When engaging this ship, target its primary subsystems, as its shields do go down quickly, and so do the underlying subsystems..wavJunkDescription.wavShrikeDescription.wavInert Matter 6.wavConstellationDescription.wavDomBC.wavE2M0Warbird Description.wavBajoranAssaultVesselDescription.wavMatanKeldon Description.wavTimeship.wavGalor.wavMotherDescription.wavCardStation Description.wavMA85_CBattleship.wavCentaur.wavGalaxyDescription.wavBiranuStation Description.wavLC_AdelphitpDescription.wavMvamPrometheusDescription.wavMvamGalaxyDescription.wavUnknown Debris 5.wavbinterceptorDescription.wavFalcon.wavBreenBBDescription.wavAsteroid.wavSunbuster Description.wavAkira2.wavCommArray Description.wavNebula.wavLC_Adelphi.wavVorcha.wavFeklhrMK2.wavLC_ValdemartpDescription.wavPraetorDescription.wavLC_Horatio.wavx303.wavBombFreighter Description.wavDefiantDescription.wavFedStarbase.wavInert Matter 5.wavReman ScimitarDescription.wavLC_Excaliburtp.wavLC_Exetertp.wavShuttle.wavnorway.wavPlanet Fragment 7.wavLC_ExcaliburtpDescription.wavMarauder.wavUnknown Debris 9.wavLC_Yamaguchitp.wavP81PhoenixDescription.wavDescription.wavDomBattleship.wavRomulanOutpost.wavAquatic.wavKlingonImperialStarbase.wavDecoy.wavCommLight.wavDYSphere.wavProbe Description.wavType11Description.wavmissouri.wavCardOutpost Description.wavNovaDescription.wavNX01.wavLCRaptorDescription.wavDanubemkIIDescription.wavchurchill.wavEnterpriseNCC1701.wavRaider1Description.wavEscapePod Description.wavAkiraDescription.wavLC_ExcaliburDescription.wavUnknown Debris 6.wavStarbase220Description.wavMvamPrometheusDorsalDescription.wavFeklhrMK2Description.wavFedBB.wavgriffin.wavDanubeDescription.wavsovereignyacht.wavcEnterpriseNCC1701Description.wavPlanet Fragment 1.wavUnknown Debris 11.wavLC_GandhiDescription.wavE2M0Warbird.wavPegasus.wavC2excelsiorII.wavEximiusDescription.wavTamarianDescription.wavLC_Excalibur.wavAkira.wavEscapePod.wavKTingaDescription.wavMiradornDescription.wavAegianDescription.wavPhase2shuttle.wavCardHybrid.wavMvamGalaxyStardriveDescription.wavLC_HoratiotpDescription.wavUnknown Debris 4.wavVentureScoutDescription.wavVentureScout.wavPeragrineF1.wavLC_ExetertpDescription.wavMPneghvar.wavShuttleDescription.wavnorwayDescription.wavLC_AdelphiDescription.wavNebulaDescription.wavDanube.wavBorgCube.wavFirehawkDescription.wavSpaceFacility Description.wavCloakFireBirdOfPreyDescription.wavMerchantmanDescription.wavSurrok.wavDecoy Description.wavKlingonImperialStarbaseDescription.wavAquaticDescription.wavCommLight Description.wavInert Matter 4.wavP81NebulaDescription.wavNebulaXDescription.wavPhase2shuttleDescription.wavDanubemkII.wavLCRaptor.wavMvamGalaxyStardrive.wavLC_Horatiotp.wavMvamPrometheusSaucerDescription.wavMvamGalaxySaucerDescription.wavUnknown Debris 7.wavPeregrine.wavFedOutpost.wavD-7.wavLCCentaurDescription.wavSaber.wavHutetDescription.wavMPneghvarDescription.wavTransport.wavReman Scimitar.wavLC_Gandhitp.wavLBdefiant.wavmissouriDescription.wavAkira2Description.wavKessokLight.wavBorgDiamond.wavbug.wavgriffinDescription.wavFedBBDescription.wavDryDockRepairDescription.wavFalconDescription.wavsphere.wavC2excelsiorIIDescription.wavexeter.wavPegasusDescription.wavKimal.wavSpaceFacility.wavCloakFireBirdOfPrey.wavFirehawk.wavLowCube.wavGalaxyStardrive.wavGalaxyII.wavEnterpriseBDescription.wavUnknown Debris 2.wavLC_YamaguchitpDescription.wavInert Matter 8.wavLC_Exeter.wavnovaII.wavKessokHeavy.wavdeltaflyer.wavds9.wavExcalibur.wavLC_YamaguchiDescription.wavKeldon.wavds9Description.wavKeldonDescription.wavExcaliburDescription.wavromulanshuttle.wavBreenBB.wavSunbuster.wavGalaxySaucer.wavVorchaDescription.wavHiddenCore.wavBirdOfPreyDescription.wavCA8472Description.wavHidekiDescription.wavTalgoranDescription.wavScimitar.wavLC_ValdemarDescription.wavDryDock.wavUSSLennox.wavKazonraider.wavAmbassador.wavMarauderDescription.wavAmbassadortpDescription.wavSonaBDescription.wavMiranda.wavSmuggler.wavDyExcaliburDescription.wavEnterpriseB.wavSteamrunner.wavPlanet Fragment 2.wavKlingonShuttleDescription.wavAlita.wavRunabout.wavCardStarbase.wavSteamrunnerDescription.wavUnknown Debris 8.wavInert Matter 7.wavInert Matter 2.wavMvamGalaxy.wavMvamPrometheus.wavPlanet Fragment 6.wavType11.wavFedStarbase Description.wavLC_Valdemar.wavMvamPrometheusVentralDescription.wavfeklhr.wavBombFreighter.wavsphereDescription.wavDefiant.wavsovereignyachtwarpDescription.wavMine.wavSonaB.wavTransport Description.wavAmbassadortp.wavDyExcalibur.wavLC_Yamaguchi.wavosovereignyachtDescription.wavD7variantDescription.wavDanubeRunaboutDescription.wavBorgCubeDescription.wavLC_ExeterDescription.wavnovaIIDescription.wavDomBB.wavGalaxySaucerDescription.wavHiddenCoreDescription.wavStarbase220.wavMvamPrometheusDorsal.wavMvamPrometheusVentral.wavDrenetDescription.wavKvortDescription.wavAegian.wavInert Matter 1.wavOlympicDescription.wavKimalDescription.wavInert Matter 3.wavexeterDescription.wavPrometheus.wavLC_Zhukov.wavbinterceptor.wavLC_ZhukovtpDescription.wavDomBBDescription.wavAlitaDescription.wavCardOutpost.wavRunaboutDescription.wavNova.wavCardStarbase Description.wavWorkerBee.wavCardFreighter Description.wavKazonraiderDescription.wavAmbassadorDescription.wavMirandaDescription.wavTamarian.wavromulanshuttleDescription.wavDryDockRepair.wavUnknown Debris 3.wavSovereignDescription.wavJunk.wavShrike.wavEximius.wavNX01Description.wavSabre.wavSaberDescription.wavsovereignyachtwarp.wavGeronimo.wavKaremman.wavGeronimo Description.wavKaremmanDescription.wavStellar Debris.wavLC_HoratioDescription.wavx303Description.wavUnknown Debris 1.wavKTinga.wavMiradorn.wavLC_GandhitpDescription.wavKlingonShuttle.wavAmagon Description.wavOlympic.wavKvort.wavPeragrineF1Description.wavP81Nebula.wavNebulaX.wavSabreDescription.wavtype9Description.wavEnterprise Description.wavvenatorDescription.wavAsteroid Description.wavFTBNeghvar.wavExcelsiorP81.wavDYSphereDescription.wavC2ValdoreDescription.wavFreighter Description.wavBiranuStation.wavLC_Zhukovtp.wavP81Cheyenne.wavLBdefiantDescription.wavSovereign.wavP81CheyenneDescription.wavFedOutpost Description.wavD-7Description.wavPeregrine Description.wavDanubemkIDescription.wavIntrepidDescription.wavDryDock Description.wavScimitarDescription.wavUSSLennoxDescription.wavP81Phoenix.wavbugDescription.wavUnknown.wavLC_Valdemartp.wavUnknown Debris 12.wavCardStation.wavGalaxy.wavD7variant.wavDanubeRunabout.wavSmugglerDescription.wavUnknown Debris 10.wavMother.wavKessokMine Description.wavRanKuf Description.wavUnknown Object.wavtype9.wavEnterprise.wavvenator.wavWorkerBeeDescription.wavC2Valdore.wavFreighter.wavTimeshipDescription.wavGalaxyIIDescription.wavLowCubeDescription.wavGalaxyStardriveDescription.wavRanKuf.wavKessokMine.wavNX01Enterprise.wavCardHybridDescription.wavValkyrie.wavCentaurDescription.wavLC_Gandhi.wavLC_Adelphitp.wavAmagon.wavPrometheusDescription.wavLC_ZhukovDescription.wavDrenet.wavdeltaflyerDescription.wavKessokHeavyDescription.wavDomBCDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 3.wavBreen.wavWarbird.wavMerchantman.wavfeklhrDescription.wavProbe.wavDomBattleshipDescription.wavRomulanOutpostDescription.wavDanubemkI.wavIntrepid.wavSurrokDescription.wavRaider1.wavFTBNeghvarDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 8.wavExcelsiorP81Description.wavchurchillDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 5.wavMvamPrometheusSaucer.wavMvamGalaxySaucer.wavKessokLightDescription.wavBorgDiamondDescription.wavMatanKeldon.wavMA85_CBattleshipDescription.wavBajoranAssaultVessel.wavPlanet Fragment 4.wavLCCentaur.wavHideki.wavTalgoran.wavBirdOfPrey.wavCA8472.wavValkyrieDescription.wavNX01EnterpriseDescription.wavPraetor.wavBreenDescription.wavCardFreighter.wavWarbirdDescription.wavHutet.wavCommArray.wavConstellation.wavMineDescription.wavNo Target.wavGalorDescription.wav