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Constellation requirement issued in 2272 called for a vessel capable of long duration exploratory, scientific and diplomatic missions. The first vessel commanded by Captain Jean Luc Picard, the Stargazer was the first vessel in Starfleet to perform the "Picard Manoeuvre" which it used to destroy an attacking craft now known to be a Ferengi Marauder. Weapons: 6 x Type VIII Phaser banks 1 x "Fusionenergy" Phaser bank 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (200 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 8.5F 7A 7D 7V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 6.5 Tactics: The ship has strong Forward weapons but the shields or not very strong. Use "hit and run" tactics to avoid to many F.-shield hits. The warp core is a weak point. It can only produce the power required for standart travel so keep an eye on the powerbar during fights!Dominion BattlecruiserDer Warbird aus Episode 2, Mission 0 der Maelstrom-Kampagne.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Dieses Keldon-Schiff wurde speziell fr Legat Matan modifiziert.Krenim Weapon ShipGalorDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Cardassianische Stationen knnen alle Schiffstypen versorgen und werden hufig als Trockdendocks fr reparaturbedrftige Schiffe verwendet. Sie sind in der Regel schwer bewaffnet, um den lokalen Raumsektor zu verteidigen. Waffen: 6 Phaser and 8 Disruptorkanonen Schildstrke: 7F 7A 7O 7U 7B 7S Hllenstrke: 80Montana ClassCentaur (Excelsior Variant)Die Galaxy-Klasse war bis vor kurzem der beste Schiffstyp der Fderation. Sie wurde zwar zur Erkundung des Weltraums konstruiert, eignet sich jedoch auch ausgezeichnet als Schlachtschiff. Waffen: 8 Phaser und 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 13F 9A 9O 9U 9B 9S Hllenstrke: 15 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Geben Sie Acht, dass Ihre Torpedorampen keinen Schaden erleiden, da Sie sonst alle Torpedos auf einmal verlieren knnten.Raumstationen der Fderation werden in der Regel fr stellare Langzeitstudien eingesetzt. Zuweilen werden dort auch Konferenzen oder diplomatische Kongresse abgehalten, doch wegen ihrer begrenzten Verteidigungsmglichkeiten bentigen sie stndig andere Schiffe zum Schutz. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: 11F 11A 11O 11U 11B 11S Hllenstrke: 55Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Trmmer 5Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Allies to the Dominion, the Breen are an alien race. Little is known about them, they are highly elusive. Their ships are small powerful vessels, equiped with torpedos, disruptor cannons and sometimes phasers. Weapons: Torpedos, Disruptors, Poleron Beam Shield Rating: Average Hull Rating: Average Tactics: Fast and highly manueverable, watch out for forward attacks.AsteroidDer Solarformer greift auf Technologie zurck, die noch nicht komplett erforscht ist. Er hat die Gre einer kleinen Raumstation. Waffen: 1 Strahler Schildstrke: 9F 9A 9O 9U 9B 9S Hllenstrke: 20Akira2Kommunikationsphalanxen dienen zur bermittlung von Informationen innerhalb des Subraums. Sie knnen auch als Frhwarnsystem modifiziert und in Gegenden mit hoher Feindaktivitt eingesetzt werden. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: Keine Hllenstrke: 30NebulaVor'chaEin speziell modifizierter Frachter, der in Episode 7 auftaucht.Description: The Defiant class was a crash program devloped by Starfleet which called for a ship that could be produced in high numbers and capable of defeating the Borg. This philosophy lead to a small hull crammed with radical, and by some insane, design structure. Advances included in the design are the Pulse Phaser cannon and the Quantum Torpedo. However, the program faced difficulty in that it crammed too much into too little space. The design difficulties eventually lead to the cancellation of the program, but when the prototype was fieled to Deep Space 9, it proved its capability in combat. Since then, the Defiant class has been put into limited production. Although the size of a small escort vessel, the weapon power is equivalent to a heavy cruiser. The prototype was destroyed during the Dominion War, and was the only Defiant class ship authorized to carry a cloaking device. Weapons: Pulse Phaser Cannons, Type X Phaser Array, Quantum Torpedo Launchers. Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Although heavily shielded for its size, the Defiant class cannot take sustained firepower from the opponents it is designed to face. Use its high maneuverability to avoid enemy fire, and try to maintain pulse phaser fire to a single shield.SternenbasisTrge Masse 5Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: ShuttleNorwayPlanetentrmmer 7MarauderTrmmer 9Dominion BattleshipRomulanOutpostTusch.-krperLeichte KommunikationsphalanxDY Borg Sphere Sonden knnen hergestellt werden, indem der Sprengkopf eines Photonentorpedos durch Sensoren und Transmitter ersetzt wird.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Missouri ClassCardassianische Auenposten knnen alle Schiffstypen versorgen und sind in der Regel schwer bewaffnet, um den lokalen Raumsektor zu verteidigen. Waffen: 6 Phaser und 6 Disruptorkanonen Schildstrke: 6F 6A 6O 6U 6B 6S Hllenstrke: 40Description: The Nova class was designed as a modern replacement for the long serving Oberth class science vessel. The requirement called for a ship capable of making relatively short duration missions; Starfleet intended to use these ships in the large unexplored areas between Federation controlled space, missions which would typically be staged out of Starbases and last for a few months up to a year at most. Weapons: 10 Phaser Arrays, 2 Photon Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 7 Fore, 5 Aft, 6 Dorsal, 6 Ventral, 5 Port, 5 Starboard Hull Rating: 8 Tactics: Use the ship's high maneuverability to avoid incoming torpedoes, and rotate shield arcs frequently.USS Enterprise NX-01Description: The runabout USS Euphrates (NCC-73215) is part of the ongoing evolution of the warp capable shuttlecraft developed to supplement Starfleet personnel on short-range missions. The Danube class runabout went into production in 2368. Their modular design allows for a broad spectrum of mission requirements, and their economical size and atmospheric flight capabilities makes the runabout a much more versatile vessel than a larger starship. Scientific, diplomatic, exploration, transportation, and even tactical missions have been the mainstay of Danube class runabouts, most accomplished with greater efficiency and less use of resources. However, they are limited to short-range missions only, and their small size does prohibit a number of mission objectives. Weapons: Onboard tactical systems are rather comprehensive for such a small vessel. Two micro torpedo launchers are equipped to fire reduced size projectiles, capable of delivering a variety of different payloads, including photon, quantum or nuclear warheads, even biochemical agents. An optional rollbar fitted to the runabout can increase the micro torpedo complement, power supply, and add another two micro torpedo launchers, increasing the number to four. Six lateral type VI phaser arrays provide a potent secondary tactical option. 6 Type IV phaser arrays 4 Micro photon torpedo launchers Shield Rating: Hull Rating: Tactics: As would be expected, a vessel of this size does not pose a great threat when isolated. However, in packs of three or more, or supporting larger starships, they can prove effective as combat support vessels.USS Churchill (Challenger Class)Description: Maquis Raider variant 1 Weapons: Phasers Photon torpedoes Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: ManueverableRettungskapseln sind die Rettungsboote eines Raumschiffs. Sie sind mit begrenzter Notversorgung ausgestattet und knnen kurze Distanzen zurcklegen, um nahe gelegene Raumstationen oder bewohnbare Planeten zu erreichen. Fr den Fall, dass sich kein sicherer Anlaufpunkt in der Nhe befindet, sind sie zudem mit Notruftransmittern ausgerstet, um Hilfe zu rufen. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: Keine Hllenstrke: 1Schiffe der Akira-Klasse sind extrem manvrierfhig und haben fr ihre geringe Gre eine beachtliche Schildstrke. Die Akira-Klasse kann sowohl Photonen- also auch Quantentorpedos abfeuern. Waffen: 8 Phaser und 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 15F 10A 10O 10U 10B 10S Hllenstrke: 9 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Geben Sie Acht, dass Ihre Torpedorampen keinen Schaden erleiden, da Sie sonst alle Torpedos auf einmal verlieren knnten. Setzen Sie wenn mglich eher die Quanten- als die Photonentorpedos ein, da sie effektiver und akkurater sind. Trmmer 6ScimitarDescription: Larger Shuttle craft Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Reman Warbird ScimitarPlanetentrmmer 1Trmmer 11E2M0-WarbirdOberth ClassC2excelsiorIIDescription: The Eximus class was originally developed to be a cutting edge explorer that would define the next genration of starfleet vessel design, incorporating new technologies pioneered in the Defiant, Sovereign, Prometheus, and steamrunner class vessels. The project took a militaristic turn during the dominion war when Starfleet engineers were instructed to re-outfit the ship as a combat vessel. Before these modifications, the Eximius was already formidable as it is very maneuverable for it's size. But the added weaponry, including Defiant-type Pulse Phasers, make the class nothing short of deadly. The prototype was not completed in time to see much action in the war, although the ship has proven very effective in tactical simulations. Weapons: 6 Phasers, 2 Pulse Phasers, 6 Torpedo tubes Shield Rating: 15F 7A 15D 15V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 10 Tactics: The Eximius class has superior firepower... use this to your advantage and take down your foes quickly. Her shielding and repair crews are not designed to withstand long term engagements like a Sovereign class ship.Description: The Tamarian Warship is the principle military vessel of the Tamarian race. This particular design is so successfuil that a number of other races in the gamma and delta quadrant have purchased variants from the Tamarian Government. Weapons: 7 MK III Pulse Phaser Banks, 2 Fast Reload Torpedo launchers. Shield Rating: 15F 13A 12D 12V 15P 15S Hull Rating: 17 Tactics: The powerful front pulse phaser coupled with the torpedo launcher packs a punch in any Shields, but are vunerable to sustained fire, so protect them.AkiraRettungskapselDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Phase2shuttleHybridTrmmer 4PeragrineF1MPneghvarStandardshuttle der Fderation Waffen: 1 Phaser Schildstrke: 10F 7A 7O 7U 7B 7S Hllenstrke: 1 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Nutzen Sie die hohe Manvrierfhigkeit des Shuttles, um sich auerhalb des Abschusswinkels feindlicher Schiffe zu bringen und dann nah genug an Ihr Ziel vorzustoen, um ausreichenden Schaden zu verursachen.Description: Weapons: Pulse Phasers Shield Rating: Middle/Low Hull Rating: Low Tactics: FighterDie Nebula-Klasse ist eine Variante der Galaxy-Klasse. Sie verfgt ber ein konfigurierbares Modul, das entweder fr den Kampf oder die Forschung optimiert werden kann. Schiffe der Nebula-Klasse sind oft mit verbesserten Traktorsystemen fr Schlepp- und Rettungseinstze ausgerstet. Waffen: 8 Phaser und 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 12F 8A 8O 8U 8B 8S Hllenstrke: 12 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Geben Sie Acht, dass Ihre Torpedorampen keinen Schaden erleiden, da Sie sonst alle Torpedos auf einmal verlieren knnten.Danube RunaboutBorgCubeRaumstationen der Fderation werden in der Regel fr stellare Langzeitstudien eingesetzt. Zuweilen werden dort auch Konferenzen oder diplomatische Kongresse abgehalten, doch wegen ihrer begrenzten Verteidigungsmglichkeiten bentigen sie stndig andere Schiffe zum Schutz. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: 11F 11A 11O 11U 11B 11S Hllenstrke: 55Surrok ClassDer Standard-Tuschungskrper der Fderation.Die leichte Kommunikationsphalanx wird zumeist fr die bermittlung von Sensordaten an eine lokale Raumstation eingesetzt. Die Phalanx kann auch im Orbit eines Planeten zur Informationsbeschaffung ber weite Distanz genutzt werden. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: Keine Hllenstrke: 15Trge Masse 4Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: This is a Concept design for a Star Trek Television show that made it to pre-production but was then cancelled Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Danube mark IITrmmer 7PeregrineAuenposten K'TingaSaberDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Hutet Dominion Wars Battleship Weapons: Heavily armed Shield Rating: Above Average Hull Rating: Average Tactics: Slow but heavily armoredDescription: Klingon Flagship Weapons: secret Shield Rating: secret Hull Rating: secret Tactics: FderationstransporterReman ScimitarDescription: DarkDrone/SSMike Port Weapons: 10 Type X Phaser Arrays, 4 Fore and 2 Aft Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: 29F 17A 17D 17V 17P 17S Hull Rating: 24 Tactics: Standard Federation TacticsDescription: Ships of the Akira 2 class are highly maneuverable and have a very high shield strength compared to the akira class. The Akira 2 class can fire both Quantum, and Photon torpedoes. Weapons: 14 Phasers and 7 torpedo bays, armed with three Quantum/Photon Torpedoes. Shield Rating: very high! Hull Rating: 11 all Around but fore is 17. Tactics: Rotate the Phaser, and Shield Arcs if you wish, but the Phasers do charge at a high rate. Change speeds to avoide Torpedoe, or Pulse weapon fire. Try to avoide hits in the Torpedoe and Phaser Systems. Use Quantum Torpedoes, as you have 175, and they are more, powerful and more Accurate than photons, or Advanced Photons.Leich. KreuzerBorg DiamondDom. Attack ShipDescription: Federation's Latest Twin Hull Design -- Scimitar class Weapons: Frequency shifted Collimated Type XI Phaser Arrays -- Higher Freq shift provides 50% increase in damage. Ship has 6 high volume torpedo launchers. 4 to the front and 2 to the rear. Able to reload in 60% of the time and hold 2 torpedos per tube. Ship has fighter launching bay, however fighters have not been issued yet. Cloaking device is installed for clandestine operations. Shield Rating: Shield Frequency has been shifted higher allowing for a greater field strength. Recharge has been increased Hull Rating: Hull integrity is equal to a Sovereign class vessel. Tactics: Well rounded ship with good speed and maneuverability for her size. Not much spare power available in spite of her twin warp cores. Make sure to watch your flanks, her rear and side shields are half as strong as her front, dorsal and ventral shields. Try to use vertical (ship orientation) maneuvers to keep the strong shields to your target.Description: Upgrated Excelsior-class for the Dom.-War Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Use your Tractor Beam against small ships.Description: The Oberth class has a distinguished Starfleet career dating back for over a century. The exploratory nature of the Oberth class mission meant that they would frequently discover new alien species, but their small size and limited crew numbers meant that they had a very limited diplomatic capability. In the 2340's all units received new phaser banks and the Probe tubes were also upgraded to hold around 50 Photontorps. Weapons: 2 x Type IV Phaser banks Each of the Probe magazines (Forw & Aft) can hold up to 20 photon torpedoes. Shield Rating: 6F 5A 5D 5V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 6 Tactics: The Oberth has only weak fighting skills .. try to avoid battle against more then one enemy. A great advantage of the oberth class is the strong tractorbeam but watch your power .. the ship can't handle tractor and weapons for long! KimalRaumstationLowCubeGalaxy IIDescription: The first major subgroup of the Excelsior class, the Enterprise-B subtype was designed for greater burst speed and manoeuvrability than the standard Excelsior and carried a much more elaborate electronics fit. Starfleet was especially worried about developments which might permit Klingon vessels to fire whilst still cloaked. Wake homing torpedoes were fitted as standard, while plasma detector systems allowed the new ship to locate almost any existing vessel through its cloak. The advanced sensors of the Enterprise-B were also able to engage vessels firing from cloak by automatically locking phasers onto the origin of the weapons fire and almost instantly laying down a pattern of fire on the immediate area before the enemy vessel could change its position. Weapons: 12 x Type VIII Phaser banks, 3 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (150 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 13.5F 13A 12D 12V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 13 (Scotty has enegeering) Tactics: The Ship has a good manoeuvrability so use this to avoid enemy Torp.-salves. The ships has relativly strong shields but a low regeneration so try to avoid getting to much fire to a single shield.. The stronges Weapon are the Forward Torp.tubes so save them if you want to survive! Trmmer 2Trge Masse 8novaIISchw. KreuzerdeltaflyerExcalibur Class (NX-90000)KeldonDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Die Keldon-Klasse stellt die schweren Kreuzer des cardassianischen Imperiums. Waffen: 4 Kompressorstrahler und 2 Torpedos Schildstrke: 11F 2A 6O 5U 6B 6S Hllenstrke: 5 Taktische Hinweise: Geben Sie Acht, dass Sie nicht am Achterschild getroffen werden. Wenn Sie durch Drehungen des Schiffs abwechselnd verschiedene Phaserbgen auf Ihre Angreifer richten, knnen Sie maximalen Schaden erzielen und auerdem das feindliche Feuer auf die anderen fnf Schilde verteilen.Description: The first Excalibur Project was created in 2374-2380 but he project never got complete. The Project continued and the new Ship class was develop in a secret project not authorized by the Federation Headquarter in 2393. A liberty group of scientists devolved the ship in the unknown Alore-System inside a forgotten dominion base, after the first contact with the Shanorcs in 2391. In 2396 the Prototype vessel was stolen by Cpt. Johnnath Parks, and disappeared. In 2397 the USS Delevare (Nebula class) saw the destruction of 6 shanorcs ships and scanners only showed an extreme high concentration of an unknown alkali metal. That metal got known as palantium 299 Weapons: 9 x Type XIV Phaser banks, 5 x 2nd class Quantum torpedo tubes (204 Quantums , 96 Phase Quantums) 1 x Rapidfire Turret Shield Rating: 27F 27A 27D 27V 26P 26S Hull Rating: 31 (1.6 m adamanthium) Tactics: The ship is a real fortress. Enhanced shields and adamanthium amour can take more firepower then any other defence system in the UFP fleet. The enhanced Phaser banks but mostly the new Torpedoes give the ship a great advantage in battles. The ship further is equipped with a prototype of a palantium deflector grid. This grid can be modified to generate a tronic plasma matrix. When the matrix is formed one H+ ion placed in the center of the matrix will cause an energy wave transporting more then 1.55 PhentoWatt. Scientists warn that the energy feedback of destabilised matrix will cause heavily damage to all systems getting into contact. BreenBBSolarformerDie Vor'cha-Klasse stellt die schwerste Kreuzer-Klasse im klingonischen Arsenal dar. Waffen: 1 Phaser, 2 Disruptorkanonen und 3 Torpedos Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: 38F 10A 5O 4U 6B 6S Hllenstrke: 18 Taktische Hinweise: Starten Sie Attacken bei hoher Geschwindigkeit oder halten Sie sich erst im Hintergrund und stoen dann lediglich unter Einsatz des Frontschilds berraschend vor. Verwenden Sie Ihre Tarnvorrichtung, um ungesehen die schwachen Schilde Ihrer Feinde auszuschalten. Beim Einsatz der Disruptorkanonen knnen Ihre Traktorstrahlen sehr hilfreich sein.Der Bird of Prey ist vorwiegend in der Flotte des klingonischen Reichs anzutreffen. Er ist schnell und manvrierfhig und eignet sich durch seine Tarnfhigkeit sehr gut fr Aufklrungseinstze und berraschungsschlge. Waffen: 2 Disruptoren und 1 Torpedo Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: 13F 7A 7O 4U 4B 4S Hllenstrke: 4 Taktische Hinweise: Nutzen Sie die hohe Manvrierfhigkeit, um Torpedos auszuweichen und das Ziel an seinen Schwachstellen zu treffen. Wenn Sie mehr Energie auf die Turbinen leiten, sind Sie dabei noch effektiver.Description: Hideki destroyer Weapons: Compressor beams, spiral wave disruptors Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Tal'goran class cruiser is approximately half the size of the Warbird. It doesn't have the firepower of the Warbird, however, it's manueverability more than makes up for it's lack of teeth. Weapons: 2 Disruptor cannons, 1 Disruptor Beam Shield Rating: 16f 8a 8d 8v 8l 8r Hull Rating: 12 Tactics: Use the cloaking device, and keep your nose toward the enemy. The Tal'goran has no rear weaponry, and it's strongest shield is on the nose. Maneuverability is this ships strong point. This vessel is a strong complement to the turret-like Warbird.ScimitarTrockendockUSSLennoxKazonraiderAmbassadorDer Ferengi-Marauder ist eine schnelle Schiffsklasse, mit der die Ferengi berraschungsangriffe durchfhren. Waffen: 2 Plasmabolzen und 1 Phaser Schildstrke: 10F 7A 5O 7U 5B 5S Hllenstrke: 10 Taktische Hinweise: Wenn Ihre Systeme reparaturbedrftig sind, richten Sie am besten verschiedene Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, aber konzentrieren Sie sich auf Frontalangriffe. Sind die feindlichen Schilde geschwcht, knnen Sie den unteren Phaser einsetzen, um gezielt einzelne Systeme lahm zu legen. Schtzen Sie, so gut es geht, den oberen Schild, denn er ist empfindlicher als der untere oder Achterschild. Mit den Langstrecken-Traktorstrahlen knnen Sie Ihre Ziele verlangsamen oder festhalten und sie somit leichter mit den Plasmabolzen erreichen.Description: Weapons: 3 Neutron Torpedos 6 Heavy Phaser Banks Shield Rating: Below Average Hull Rating: Above Average Tactics: The Sona ships have all their main weapons pointing forward, keep your enemy infront of you and overcome them as soon as possible.NCC 1701-B USS EnterpriseSteamrunnerPlanetentrmmer 2Alita ClassDanube Class RunaboutSternenbasisDescription: The Steamrunner design was fielded in the early 40s along with the Saber as part of a major fleet wide program of modernization. Essentially the Steamrunner's serve a similar function to the modern day Intrepid class - a smaller, faster counterpart to the cruiser class ships which would be deployed in large numbers to augment the more capable designs. The first of the class was launched in 2342, and series production began after a six month flight test program. Weapons: 6 Phaser Arrays,4 Photon/Tri-Cobalt Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 9 Fore, 7 Aft, 7 Dorsal, 7 Ventral, 7 Port, 7 Starboard Hull Rating: 11 Tactics: Use the Tri-Cobalt torpedoes on stationary targets and rely on the Photons in ship-to-ship confrontations. This ship is primarily a bomber but can still fight well in skirmishes.Trmmer 8Trge Masse 7Trge Masse 2MvamPrometheusPlanetentrmmer 6Type11Eine Sternenbasis der Fderation ist der Hauptanlaufpunkt fr militrische und nicht-militrische Schiffe. Die gigantischen Komplexe sind mit mchtigen Waffen ausgestattet, doch verlassen sich bei der Verteidigung primr auf andere Schiffe. Waffen: 8 Phaser Schildstrke: Keine Hllenstrke: 220feklhrBombenfrachterDefiantSonaBEin gngiges Transportschiff, das zu militrischen und nicht-miltrischen Zwecken genutzt wird. Der Fderationstransporter verfgt nur ber schwache Schilde, einige Modelle haben zudem ein bescheidenes Waffenarsenal. Waffen: 2 Phaser Schildstrke: 4F 4A 4O 4U 4B 4S Hllenstrke: 4 Description: This Vessel is a variant of the d7, it was designed fir duty against the federation. This ship is for war and olny for war. Weapons: 4 distruptors 1 fore torpedo and 1 aft. 2 Phasers fore. Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Standard Klingon ManueversDescription: Larger Shuttle craft Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: main attack vessel Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: DomBBDescription: Drenet - FROM BIRTH OF THE FEDEARTION Weapons: 4 Disruptor Cannon, 5 Disruptor Beams, Fore and Aft Torpedo Launchers Special: Cloaking Device Shield Rating: 12F 12A 12D 12V 12P 12S Hull Rating: 6 Tactics: Standard Romulan TacticsDescription: The K'vort class vessel entered service in 2327, and has remained in the fleet ever since. An extensive program of refits has kept them front-line vessels for some forty years, although the Vor'Cha class Attack Cruiser has become the vessel of choice in this area. Weapons: 2 mark 10 pulse disrupter cannon, 6 Mark 8 disrupter cannon,2 High power photon torpedo tubes, 4 Single shot emergency photon torpedo tubes Special: Cloaking Device Shield Rating: 11F 9A 9D 9V 9P 9S Hull Rating: 9 Tactics: Much larger version of the Bird of PreyAegianTrge Masse 1Description: The Olympic class stems from a starfleet requirement issued in 2360 for a new class of medical vessel to replace the ageing Nightingale class. The new ship was to improve on the Nightingales in every respect; it would incorporate a complete Starbase level mobile hospital capable of catering for up to 1,000 patients, compared to the Nightingales 560. The warp and impulse drives, computer systems, etc. where also to be up to the latest standards. Weapons: One 360 degree Phaser bank located near the top of the sphear section. One Fore phaser located near the bottom of the sphear section. One aft phaser located at the rear of the ship.Shield Rating: Moderate. Hull Rating: Poor. Tactics: The warp core is very weak.Description: Kimal experimental X frigate Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Trge Masse 3USS PrometheusBajorian InterceptorDescription: Dominion Battlecruiser Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: ds9Description: Pneumonic 81's Custom Alita Escort Vessel Weapons: 11 Type XII Phaser Arrays, 2 fore and 1 aft Quantum/Photon Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: 12F 11A 12D 12V 11P 11S Hull Rating: 8 Tactics: Fast shipAuenpostenDescription: The Danube class runabout became a necessity as Starfleet began to setup more and more deep space stations. These small bases were too small and remote for Starfleet to expend the resources and manpower to assign each one their own full sized starship. Therefor, the runabout was designed in order to give a better Federation presense in remote areas. The Danube class runabout, which has been the mainstay of the runabout fleet for over 40 years now, ressembles a large shuttlecraft. Because of its power output, range, and passenger capacity, it has been officially classified as a starship, and each one has its own registry number, in addition to having names starting with a "USS" prefix. The runabout is made up of three main sections, the cockpit, a central cargo section, and a rear passenger lounge. Weapons: 6 Type VII phasers 3 Forward Torp. Shield Rating: 4F 2A 2D 2V 2P 2S Hull Rating: 3 Tactics: Fast ship but only forward Torpedos .. just hit and run tactics and try take out the enemy imuplse engine to get full effekt of your fast shipNovaDie cardassianische Sternenbasis ist die grte Einrichtung der Cardassianer. Sie kann alle Schiffstypen versorgen und ist in der Regel schwer bewaffnet, um den lokalen Raumsektor zu verteidigen. Waffen: 6 Phaser und 6 Disruptorkanonen Schildstrke: 8F 8A 8O 8U 8B 8S Hllenstrke: 120Cardassianische Frachter verfgen nur ber schwache Schilde und sind nur begrenzt manvrierfhig. Sie sind jedoch ein effektives Transportmittel fr Fracht oder Truppen des cardassianischen Militrs. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: 2F 2A 2O 2U 2B 2S Hllenstrke: 3Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Die Ambassador-Klasse gehrt zu den lteren Fderationsschiffen, die noch im Dienst stehen. Trotz ihres veralteten Designs sind es robuste und zuverlssige Schlachtschiffe. Waffen: 8 Phaser und 4 Torpedos Schildstrke: 9F 7A 7O 7U 7B 7S Hllenstrke: 13 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Geben Sie Acht, dass Ihre Torpedorampen keinen Schaden erleiden, da Sie sonst alle Torpedos auf einmal verlieren knnten.TamarianTrmmer 3Als neueste und strkste Schiffsklasse der Fderation eignet sich die Sovereign- Klasse gleichermaen zur Erkundung und zum Kampf. Sovereign-Schiffe knnen sowohl Photonen- als auch Quantentorpedos einsetzen. Waffen: 8 Phaser und 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 17F 11A 17O 17U 11B 11S Hllenstrke: 12 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen. Geben Sie Acht, dass Ihre Torpedorampen keinen Schaden erleiden, da Sie sonst alle Torpedos auf einmal verlieren knnten. Setzen Sie wenn mglich eher die Quanten- als die Photonentorpedos ein, da sie effektiver und akkurater sind.JunkEximiusDescription: First Warp5 Capable Star Fleet Vessel Weapons: Phaser Cannon and Torpedo Launchers Shield Rating: Polarized Hull 4F 4A 4D 4V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 3 Tactics: Boldly Go...Description: The Saber class was part of Starfleets modernization programme of the 2340's. They were designed to be a frigate counterpart to the Steamrunner class starship; much smaller, easier to build and hence considerably more numerous. The designers brought in many measures to ensure that the Saber class would be easy to build; like the much earlier Oberth class science vessels the Saber's design is highly modular in nature, allowing ten thousand ton sections to be constructed in small shipyards before final assembly in a larger facility. One requirement was for the Saber's to have a science and exploration capacity equal to 85% that of a Steamrunner class along with equal cruise and maximum speeds - a measure intended to allow the vessels to work together in co-ordinated operations. Weapons: 3 Ph 1 Torp Shield Rating: 13f 8a 8d 8v 8p 8s Hull Rating: 5 Tactics: The Saber is powerful for her size, and maneuverable. Use this maneuverability to keep the rear , unarmed flank of the ship out of harm's way.GeronimoUSS Geronimo Akira-Klasse Unter dem Befehl von Captain Gregory McCray. Schiffe der Akira-Klasse sind extrem manvrierfhig und haben fr ihre geringe Gre eine beachtliche Schildstrke. Die Akira-Klasse kann sowohl Photonen- als auch Quantentorpedos abfeuern. Waffen: 8 Phaser and 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 17F 11A 11O 11U 11B 11S Hllenstrke: 11SternentrmmerTrmmer 1Ein Asteroid ist ein Himmelskrper mit einem Durchmesser von bis zu hundert Kilometern.OlympicK'Vort CruiserDescription: Small tactical fighter used mostly on starbases but can also be used as a fighter on large starships. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: NebulaXDescription: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Sovereign-Klasse Unter dem Befehl von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Das neueste Schiff einer langen Reihe von Schiffen dieses Namens, die anfnglich der Erde, dann der Vereinigten Fderation der Planeten dienten. Waffen: 8 Phaser and 6 Torpedos Schildstrke: 21F 14A 21O 21U 14B 14S Hllenstrke: 16Ein Asteroid ist ein Himmelskrper mit einem Durchmesser von bis zu hundert Kilometern.IKS NeghvarDescription: The lack of shields and relatively limited armament on this ship suggest that the sphere is some form of science vessel, perhaps with a scouting or courier role also. Given the nature of the Borg, it is likely that they could easily equip this vessel with heavier armament and the statistics above reflect Starfleet projections of a spheres potential combat capability. Weapons: 14x phasers (Mk1) 6x borp torpedo tubes (400 Borg Mk2) Shield Rating: no shields Hull Rating: 56 Tactics: Use the strong weapons to disable as many enemies as possible only destroy their sensors or weapons, you can finish the rest later. The ship can regenerate very fast to try to don't give up even when the ship is hardly damaged.Description: Romulan Valdore Weapons: High Shield Rating: High Hull Rating: High Tactics: kill it!Fderationsfrachter verfgen nur ber schwache Schilde und eine begrenzte Manvrierfhigkeit. Sie sind jedoch ein effektives Transportmittel fr Fracht oder Truppen der Fderation. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: 3F 3A 3O 3U 3B 3S Hllenstrke: 4Biranu-StationSovereignDie Auenposten der Fderation dienen als Versorgungsstationen in abgelegenem Fderationsgebiet. Sie bieten auerdem ein Frhwarnsystem im Falle eines Angriffs. Waffen: 8 Phaser Schildstrke: 9F 9A 9O 9U 9B 9S Hllenstrke: 35Description: A Klingon vessel originaly designed over 100 years ago. The venerable design has been kept in use through extensve refits and modifications. Weapons: 1 disruptor beam. 2 disruptor cannons. 2 torpedo launchers Shield Rating: 9F 6A 5D 5V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 9.0 Tactics: Try to keep the front of the ship towards the enemy at all costs.Die Peregrine-Klasse ist eine auf Rettungseinstze spezialisierte Variante der Nebula-Klasse. Anstelle eines Torpedomoduls ist dieses Schiff mit einem Wissenschaftsmodul ausgestattet. Es ist ideal fr Schleppeinstze und hnliche Spezialauftrge geeignet. Waffen: 8 Phaser Spezialausrstung: Starke Traktorstrahlen Schildstrke: 12F 8A 8O 8U 8B 8S Hllenstrke: 12 Taktische Hinweise: Richten Sie abwechselnd verschiedene Phaser- und Schildbgen auf Ihre Angreifer, um eine mglichst hohe Nachladerate und mglichst weite Winkel zu erzielen. Bei maximalem Tempo knnen Sie Torpedos und Impulswaffen ausweichen.Description: The runabout USS Savannah (NCC-73211) is part of the ongoing evolution of the warp capable shuttlecraft developed to supplement Starfleet personnel on short-range missions. The Danube class runabout went into production in 2368. Their modular design allows for a broad spectrum of mission requirements, and their economical size and atmospheric flight capabilities makes the runabout a much more versatile vessel than a larger starship. Scientific, diplomatic, exploration, transportation, and even tactical missions have been the mainstay of Danube class runabouts, most accomplished with greater efficiency and less use of resources. However, they are limited to short-range missions only, and their small size does prohibit a number of mission objectives. Weapons: Onboard tactical systems are rather comprehensive for such a small vessel. Two micro torpedo launchers are equipped to fire reduced size projectiles, capable of delivering a variety of different payloads, including photon, quantum or nuclear warheads, even biochemical agents. Six lateral type VI phaser arrays provide a potent secondary tactical option. 6 Type IV phaser arrays 2 Micro photon torpedo launchers Shield Rating: Hull Rating: Tactics: As would be expected, a vessel of this size does not pose a great threat when isolated. However, in packs of three or more, or supporting larger starships, they can prove effective as combat support vessels.Description: The Ship from Voyager Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Das Trockendock ist darauf ausgerichtet, Reparaturen und Wartungsarbeiten an Schiffen durchzufhren, die sich im Orbit eines Planeten befinden. Trockendocks knnen auch in abgelegenen Gebieten eingesetzt werden, falls die dortigen Raumstationen nicht in der Lage sind, die Reparatur durchzufhren. Waffen: Keine Schildstrke: 6F 6A 6O 6U 6B 6S Hllenstrke: 20Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Description: The Warship of the Jem'Hadar Weapons: Unknown Shield Rating: Unknown Hull Rating: Unknown Tactics: Don't retreat with this ship - always attack!UnbekanntTrmmer 12StationGalaxyD7 VariantDanube RunaboutTrmmer 10motherDie Kessok-Mine ist ein automatisierter Torpedowerfer, der den mchtigen Positrontorpedo abfeuert. Waffen: 1 Torpedo Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: Keine Hllenstrke: 4Die RanKuf ist eine mchtigere Version des Bird of Prey. Die Konfiguration beider Schiffe ist nahezu identisch. Die RanKuf ist extrem manvrierfhig und in der Lage, sich zu tarnen. Die Schildstrke des Schiffs ist in Anbetracht der geringen Gre sehr hoch, der Platz dafr wurde allerdings bei den Quartieren der Besatzungsmitglieder eingespart. Waffen: 2 Disruptorkanonen und 1 Torpedo Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: 16F 9A 9O 9U 9B 9S Hllenstrke:Unbek. Objekttype9EnterpriseValdoreFderationsfrachterDescription: A horrible weapon of genocide created by the Krenim scientist Annorax, the Krenim Weapon ship was responsible for the erasure of possibly thousands of species throughout the Delta Quadrant. It was finally destroyed in a collision with Voyager, which ruptured its temporal core. The resulting temporal incursion restored the preferred timeline, with Voyager avoiding Krenim space altogether. Weapons: 1 Temporal Incursion Beam, 18 Disruptors, 6 Chronaton Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 9 Fore, 9 Aft, 9 Dorsal, 9 Ventral, 9 Port, 9 Starboard also Temporal Shielding Hull Rating: 8 Tactics: Most of the weapons are concentrated in front of the vessel. Try to catch the target in the Temporal Incursion Beam and use the Chronaton Torpedoes when the target is to port or starboard.Description: Although the Galaxy class was the Federation's premier battleship, technological advances brought on by the Dominion and Borg conflicts have left the Galaxy class to be superceded by the Akira class in terms of combat capability. Next to the Sovereign class, the Galaxy class is meant to be the Federation's most capable frontline ship, so Starfleet has begun a refit program.. The new Galaxy II class features improved power output, improved phaser power, and improved shielding. The Galaxy II class also features the slower, but more powerful, advanced photon torpedo, along with added torpedo launcher armor. Starfleet is keeping the refit program classified, so it is unknown how many or which ships have this new configuration. Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: The new strength of the Galaxy II lies in the advanced photon torpedo. The faster your speed, the faster your torpedoes travel. To increase torpedo accuracy, try to be as close to your target as possible at the fastest possible speed. A direct hit with a quad launch is very deadly. Use standard torpedoes for smaller and more maneuverable targets.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: RanKufKessok-MineNX-01 EnterpriseDieses Schiff ist ein Hybride aus cardassianischer und Kessok-Technologie. Seine Strahlenwaffen sind eine Mischung aus Kessok-Positronen und cardassianischen Kompressoren. Das Schiff ist mit przisen Hochgeschwindigkeitstorpedos und einer mchtigen Pulsphaserwaffe ausgestattet. Waffen: 7 Strahlenwaffen, 3 Torpedos, 1 Pulskanone Schildstrke: 22F 8A 22O 8U 8B 8S Hllenstrke: 11 Taktische Hinweise: Setzen Sie die Disruptorkanone ein, um Schiffe abzuwehren, die Ihnen zu nahe kommen. Halten Sie den Feind so weit wie mglich vom Schiff entfernt, denn ihre Positronstrahlen und Antimaterietorpedos haben eine grere Reichweite als andere Waffensysteme. Wenn Sie den Impulsantrieb Ihres Feindes beschdigen, ist Ihre Disruptorkanone noch effektiver, da das feindliche Schiff weniger manvrierfhig ist.ValkyrieDescription: The Centaur is a highly maneuverable ship built from spare parts of other ship classes. Weapons: 7 x Type VII Phaser banks 3 x 2nd Class Torpedo Tubes (80 Photon Torpedoes, 4 Subspace Torpedoes) Shield Rating: 10F 5A 7D 7V 7P 7S Hull Rating: 11 Tactics: Use the Centaur's maneuverability to your advantage to rotate through the shields and phaser banks. Remember the subspace torpedoes to knock a tough opponent down.AmagonDescription: It is a prototype of a long range tactical vessel, equipped with regenative shields, ablative hull armour, and multi- vector assault mode, which gives the ship a major advantage in ship-to-ship battles. Weapons: 12 Type XII Phasers, 2 Quantum Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 12k Hull Rating: 15k Tactics: Use the Phasers and the Speed of the ship to turn out Slower ShipsDrenetDescription: Voyager Deltaflyer Weapons: Anti-Borg Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Der schwere Kessok-Kreuzer ist ein gefrchtetes Schiff aus dem Arsenal der Kessok. Waffen: 8 Positronstrahler und 2 Torpedos Schildstrke: 18F 11A 40O 3U 11B 11S Hllenstrke: 18Description: The Dominion Battlecruiser is a versatile and well-rounded ship. It is an ideal escort ship for the swift fighters. Yet the ship alone is at match with a Federation Sovereign. Weapons: 14 Enforced Polaron Beams 6 Polaron Cannons Shield Rating: 25F 15R 25D 15V 20P 20S Hull Rating: 25 Tactics: Rotate through the various polaron beam and shield arcs to take advantage of the wide arcs and high yield. Planetentrmmer 3BreenWarbirdDescription: The Fek'Lhr was named after the Mythical Klingon beast and guardian of Gre'Thor Weapons: Death Chant:battle cry echoing in the halls of aship stirs the blood of even the weakest Klingon Repulsion Wave:the original prototype foe the Shockwave,this weapon propels a ship in a direction,damaging it and disabling its engines Ion Storm:after multiple failed attempts,the deadly Ionic Nebulae from deep space Energy Dissipator:the Fek'Lhr is most effective when its opponents cannot fire back,this weapon drains the energy''RENDERING THEIR SPECIAL WEAPONS USELESS'' Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: SondeDescription: Approximately twice as long as a Federation Galaxy class, the Dominion Battleship features devastating weaponry, as well as powerful shields and armor. The prototype vessel was attacked by the USS Valiant in an attempt to rupture its antimatter pod support braces. The attempt failed, however, with the resulting destruction of the Valiant. Weapons: 2 Heavy Duty Polaron Cannons, 12 Polaron Beam Emitters, 9 Torpedo Tubes Shield Rating: 27 Fore, 20 Aft, 22 Dorsal, 22 Ventral, 20 Port, 20 Starboard Hull Rating: 40 Tactics: Try to keep the target in front of the vessel where the most powerful weapons are. Use brute force to overwhelm your opponents.Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Danube mark IIntrepidDescription: Sh'Ran Attack Cruiser -- Warp 7 capable cruiser following the axial hull ring nacelle design. Typical cruiser assigned to perform "Watchdog" duty over NX-01. Weapons: 4 Torpedo Tubes 1 Phaser Shield Rating: 4F 4A 4D 4V 4P 4S Hull Rating: 4.5 Tactics: Use a Federation tactic on the enemy, after all, who do you think taught the Federation how to fight???Raider1Description: Klingon Flagship Weapons: Secret Shield Rating: Secret Hull Rating: Secret Tactics: Don't even try to engage this one without a fleet on your site! Planetentrmmer 8Description: In 2292 the Federation Council ordered the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to construct new ships to supplement the force assigned to patrol the Klingon border. The result was the Challenger Class. In 2293 the USS Challenger was built at the new Utopia Planitia Shipyards in orbit around Mars and the NCC-2713 USS Churchill follow 6 months later. Weapons: 12 x Type VII Phaser banks 4 x 2nd class photon torpedo tubes (200 torpedoes) Shield Rating: 11F 10A 10D 10V 10P 10S Hull Rating: 10 Tactics: The ship is a very late TMP design and is a heavy patrol cruiser. The ship has not the weapon power of other ship of that time but it's faster and has a very good combat manoeuvrability. Also Starfleet equipped the new class with the phasercannon prototypes ... a very strong short range weapon.Planetentrmmer 5Der leichte Kessok-Kreuzer ist mit effektiven Waffen ausgestattet und verwendet eine Reparatur- und Schildtechnologie, die sich von der anderer Rassen stark unterscheidet. Waffen: 8 Positronstrahler und 1 Torpedo Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: 14F 9A 27O 3U 9B 9S Hllenstrke: 6Description: Also known as the Queen's Yacht the Diamond is one of the non cube Borg ships. Weapons: 8 Beam emmiters (type unknown) 4 Plasma Pulse Cannons, and 2 torpedo tubes with 600 Antimatter Torpedos Shield Rating: 8F, 8R, 8P, 8S, 8V, 8D Hull Rating: 45 Tactics: The ship is heavily armed with 360 degree coverage, it is best to continually rotate to make use of as many weapons as possible. WHen fighting small fleets use of the tractor is highly recomended.Matan-KeldonDescription: an advanced ship, built off the prometheus prototype.Capable of utilising a wide range of torpedos and with considrable armament and armour. Weapons: 4 pulse phasers 9 phasers 8 torpedo tubes Shield Rating: fore:22500 rear:10000 dorsal:26000 Ventral:23000 Flanks:14000 Hull Rating: 42000 Tactics: unload full firepower as fast as possible, it may not stay intact for longBajoranAssaultVesselPlanetentrmmer 4HidekiTal'goranBird of PreyDescription: Valkyrie Class ship Exsparamental Impulse/Warp engines Weapons: Multi Phase Phasers Quantum Torpedos Resonance Cascade Torpedos Shield Rating: Type XLe high Recharge Emitters Hull Rating: Hybrid Durtaniumn BioGenic Ablative Armor Tactics: using High Speed passes with its main Tropedo complament.Description: Thirty years in development, Enterprise was the first Human-built vessel capable of reaching warp factor 5. Under the command of Captain Archer, it conducted many exploratory missions in star systems near to Sol. Weapons: 3 x Phase cannon 4x Phase disrupers 6 x Torpedo tubes (40 spatial torps) Shield Rating: N/A only a polarized hull (ca. 3) Hull Rating: 4 Tactics: The ship is very old and slow. Your only chances are tactic and the spatial torps. Keep in mind you only have 40 of them ... USE THE WISELY. The ship has no real shields and the polarized hull can't take much damage. Try to use the warp engine to play hide and seek... in most battles this will be you only chance. Also the sensors need lots of the power reduce them to save it if nessesary but then you will not be able to can the enemy any more!Description: Weapons: N/A Shield Rating: N/A Hull Rating: N/A Tactics: Cardassianischer FrachterHinter dem eleganten Profil des romulanischen Warbirds verbirgt sich ein gefhrliches und tdliches Angriffsschiff. Waffen: 1 Disruptor, 4 Disruptorkanonen und 2 Torpedos Spezialausrstung: Tarnvorrichtung Schildstrke: 8F 8A 8O 8U 8B 8S Hllenstrke: 24 Taktische Hinweise: Behalten Sie das Ziel so lange wie mglich vor sich im Visier. Wenn Sie es nicht przise genug anvisieren knnen, tarnen Sie sich. Da der Warbird sehr gro ist, kann er leicht mit Torpedowaffen getroffen werden, doch dafr ist er auch nicht so anfllig und bersteht selbst Kollisionen mit anderen Schiffen. Die Waffen des Warbirds sind extrem empfindlich und knnen leicht auer Gefecht gesetzt werden, allerdings liegen sie so verstreut, dass sie nicht gleichzeitig getroffen werden knnen.HutetDYExcaliburKommunikationsphalanxUSS StargazerKein ZielDie Galor-Klasse besteht aus kleinen cardassianischen Kriegsschiffen fr berraschungsangriffe. Waffen: 4 Kompressorstrahler und 1 Torpedo Schildstrke: 9F 1A 3O 2U 3B 3S Hllenstrke: 4 Taktische Hinweise: Geben Sie Acht, dass Sie nicht am Achterschild getroffen werden. Wenn Sie durch Drehungen des Schiffs abwechselnd verschiedene Phaserbgen auf Ihre Angreifer richten, knnen Sie maximalen Schaden erzielen und auerdem das feindliche Feuer auf die anderen fnf Schilde verteilen.IJunkDescription.wavInert Matter 6.wavConstellationDescription.wavDomBC.wavE2M0Warbird Description.wavBajoranAssaultVesselDescription.wavMatanKeldon Description.wavTimeship.wavGalor.wavMotherDescription.wavCardStation Description.wavMA85_CBattleship.wavCentaur.wavGalaxy Description.wavBiranuStation Description.wavMvamPrometheusDescription.wavUnknown Debris 5.wavbinterceptorDescription.wavBreenBBDescription.wavAsteroid.wavSunbuster Description.wavAkira2.wavCommArray Description.wavNebula.wavVorcha.wavBombFreighter Description.wavDefiantDescription.wavFedStarbase.wavInert Matter 5.wavReman ScimitarDescription.wavShuttle.wavnorway.wavPlanet Fragment 7.wavMarauder.wavUnknown Debris 9.wavDomBattleship.wavRomulanOutpost.wavDecoy.wavCommLight.wavDYSphere.wavProbe Description.wavType11Description.wavmissouri.wavCardOutpost Description.wavNovaDescription.wavNX01.wavDanubemkIIDescription.wavchurchill.wavRaider1Description.wavEscapePod Description.wavAkira Description.wavUnknown Debris 6.wavFedBB.wavDanubeDescription.wavcPlanet Fragment 1.wavUnknown Debris 11.wavE2M0Warbird.wavPegasus.wavC2excelsiorII.wavEximiusDescription.wavTamarianDescription.wavAkira.wavEscapePod.wavAegian.wavPhase2shuttle.wavCardHybrid.wavUnknown Debris 4.wavPeragrineF1.wavMPneghvar.wavShuttle Description.wavnorwayDescription.wavNebula Description.wavDanube.wavBorgCube.wavSpaceFacility Description.wavSurrok.wavDecoy Description.wavCommLight Description.wavInert Matter 4.wavNebulaXDescription.wavPhase2shuttleDescription.wavDanubemkII.wavUnknown Debris 7.wavPeregrine.wavFedOutpost.wavD-7.wavSaber.wavDYExcaliburDescription.wavHutetDescription.wavMPneghvarDescription.wavTransport.wavReman Scimitar.wavmissouriDescription.wavAkira2Description.wavKessokLight.wavBorgDiamond.wavbug.wavFedBBDescription.wavC2excelsiorIIDescription.wavPegasusDescription.wavKimal.wavSpaceFacility.wavLowCube.wavGalaxyII.wavEnterpriseBDescription.wavUnknown Debris 2.wavInert Matter 8.wavnovaII.wavKessokHeavy.wavdeltaflyer.wavExcalibur.wavKeldon.wavds9Description.wavKeldon Description.wavExcaliburDescription.wavBreenBB.wavSunbuster.wavVorcha Description.wavBirdOfPrey Description.wavHidekiDescription.wavTalgoranDescription.wavScimitar.wavDryDock.wavUSSLennox.wavKazonraider.wavAmbassador.wavMarauder Description.wavSonaBDescription.wavEnterpriseB.wavSteamrunner.wavPlanet Fragment 2.wavAlita.wavRunabout.wavCardStarbase.wavSteamrunnerDescription.wavUnknown Debris 8.wavInert Matter 7.wavInert Matter 2.wavMvamPrometheus.wavPlanet Fragment 6.wavType11.wavFedStarbase Description.wavfeklhr.wavBombFreighter.wavDefiant.wavSonaB.wavTransport Description.wavoD7variantDescription.wavDanubeRunaboutDescription.wavBorgCubeDescription.wavnovaIIDescription.wavDomBB.wavDrenetDescription.wavKvortDescription.wavAegian.wavInert Matter 1.wavOlympicDescription.wavKimalDescription.wavInert Matter 3.wavPrometheus.wavbinterceptor.wavDomBBDescription.wavds9.wavAlitaDescription.wavCardOutpost.wavRunaboutDescription.wavNova.wavCardStarbase Description.wavCardFreighter Description.wavKazonraiderDescription.wavAmbassador Description.wavTamarian.wavUnknown Debris 3.wavSovereign Description.wavJunk.wavEximius.wavNX01Description.wavSaberDescription.wavGeronimo.wavGeronimo Description.wavStellar Debris.wavUnknown Debris 1.wavAmagon Description.wavOlympic.wavKvort.wavPeragrineF1Description.wavNebulaX.wavtype9Description.wavEnterprise Description.wavAsteroid Description.wavFTBNeghvar.wavDYSphereDescription.wavC2ValdoreDescription.wavFreighter Description.wavBiranuStation.wavSovereign.wavFedOutpost Description.wavD-7Description.wavPeregrine Description.wavDanubemkIDescription.wavIntrepidDescription.wavDryDock Description.wavScimitarDescription.wavUSSLennoxDescription.wavbugDescription.wavUnknown.wavUnknown Debris 12.wavCardStation.wavGalaxy.wavD7variant.wavDanubeRunabout.wavUnknown Debris 10.wavMother.wavKessokMine Description.wavRanKuf Description.wavUnknown Object.wavtype9.wavEnterprise.wavC2Valdore.wavFreighter.wavTimeshipDescription.wavGalaxyIIDescription.wavLowCubeDescription.wavRanKuf.wavKessokMine.wavNX01Enterprise.wavCardHybrid Description.wavValkyrie.wavCentaurDescription.wavAmagon.wavPrometheusDescription.wavDrenet.wavdeltaflyerDescription.wavKessokHeavy Description.wavDomBCDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 3.wavBreen.wavWarbird.wavfeklhrDescription.wavProbe.wavDomBattleshipDescription.wavRomulanOutpostDescription.wavDanubemkI.wavIntrepid.wavSurrokDescription.wavRaider1.wavFTBNeghvarDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 8.wavchurchillDescription.wavPlanet Fragment 5.wavKessokLight Description.wavBorgDiamondDescription.wavMatanKeldon.wavMA85_CBattleshipDescription.wavBajoranAssaultVessel.wavPlanet Fragment 4.wavHideki.wavTalgoran.wavBirdOfPrey.wavValkyrieDescription.wavNX01EnterpriseDescription.wavBreenDescription.wavCardFreighter.wavWarbird Description.wavHutet.wavDYExcalibur.wavCommArray.wavConstellation.wavNo Target.wavGalor Description.wav